XXI Encuentro Chileno de Computación

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

XXI Encuentro Chileno de Computación (ECC2009)
Universidad de Santiago de Chile y Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la

Noviembre 9-14, 2009
Santiago, CHILE

El Encuentro Chileno de Computación se presenta como una instancia de

discusión y de compartir experiencias en torno al desarrollo científico y

tecnológico en el área de la Computación, y reune a estudiantes,

profesionales y académicos. ECC2009 invita a presentar trabajos de

investigación originales en todas las áreas de las Ciencias de la

Computación no representadas en los workshops, incluyendo, pero no

limitándose a:

* Ingeniería de Software
* Comunicación de Datos y Redes
* Teoría de la Computación, Modelos Formales y Compiladores
* Modelado de Sistemas y Optimización
* Sistemas Colaborativos
* Interacción Humano-Computador
* Computación Móvil
* Sistemas de Información
* Lenguajes, Modelos y Ambientes de Programación
* Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web y Web Semántica
* Computación Gráfica y Visual
* Procesamiento de Señales e Imágenes
* Aspectos Legales, Éticos y Sociales
* Bioinformática
* Computación para el Entretenimiento
* Seguridad y Criptografía

Los trabajos pueden ser de las categorías:

-Solución técnica: Presenta soluciones innovadoras o mejores que otras

soluciones propuestas.

-Evaluación Científica: Presenta estudio de caso, experimentos, análisis

formal, pruebas matemáticas. Este tipo de artículo debe presentar una

validación preliminar de los resultados presentados.

-Experiencia y práctica industrial: Presenta innovación de la práctica

industrial, nuevas propuestas y lecciones aprendidas.

-Teoría y Visión: propone e ilustra nuevas teorías o tendencias.

Los trabajos pueden reportar resultados finales, describir investigaciones

en progreso o reportes con experiencias relevantes.


Los trabajos deben ser escritos de acuerdo al siguiente formato:

Idioma: español, inglés o portugués.

Formato: IEEE-CS tamaño [WINDOWS-1252?]8,5” x [WINDOWS-1252?]11” (carta, letter
USA) dos columnas, máximo

10 páginas, incluyendo resumen no superior a 130 palabras.


Los trabajos, en formato PDF, deben ser colocados en el sitio

http://myreview.usach.cl/ECC. Los trabajos serán revisados por el Comité de

Programa. Todos los trabajos aceptados deben ser presentados mediante

exposición oral. Los autores de los mejores artículos serán invitados a

escribir una versión en inglés que será publicada en actas de post-

conferencia publicadas por IEEE Computer Society.


Beatríz Ontiveros, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Publicado por unimauro en 16:00 0 comentarios  

2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity

2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference Science and Technology for Humanity
(TIC-STH 2009)


September 27-29 2009, Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre, Toronto, Canada

Symposium on Human and Socio-Cultural Service Oriented Computing

The primary aim of the symposium is to provide a forum that examines the technology, application and management of Service Oriented Computing for the benefit of mankind. Unlike other Software Engineering conferences and journals, where the issues are generally technical, this symposium will focus on obtaining solutions that promote the good of society. As in the case of any Engineering product, the end result is only valuable if the scientific, corporate and social
goals are aligned.

Call for Papers
Papers are invited in the areas related to Service Oriented Computing, but are not limited, to security, privacy, protection, trust and governance, service composition, ontology and semantic techniques, and Web Services modeling, development, usability and evolution. Examples of areas under which papers are sought include:

- Environmental and sustainability management
- Healthcare, homecare, aging, seniors and special needs support
- Global, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary applications
- Clinical decision support design, development and implementation
- Management of emerging health care technologies
- Telemedicine
- Technologies for cultural heritage dissemination
- Technologies to promote local community development
- Platforms to facilitate access to basic services and interactivity
- Digital inclusion
- Socio-technical issues of IS/IT governance
- QoS for human aspects in Service Oriented Computing
- Open Government
- Free Software

All submissions must conform to the TIC-STH 2009 submission policy and should be
in English language.

Symposium Technical Program Committee

Miriam A. M. Capretz, University of Western Ontario, Canada


Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo, University of Campinas, Brazil
Mark Perry, University of Western Ontario, Canada

11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

11th International Symposium on
Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems

November 3-6, 2009, Lyon, France


The Symposium is a prestigious international forum for researchers and practitioners in the design and development of fault-tolerant distributed systems with self-* properties, such as self-stabilizing, self-configuring, self-organizing, self-managing, self-repairing, self-healing,
self-optimizing, self-adaptive, and self-protecting. Research in distributed systems is now
at a crucial point in its evolution, marked by the importance of dynamic systems such as peer-to-peer networks, large-scale wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, robotic networks, etc. Moreover, new applications such as grid and web services, banking and e-commerce, e-health and robotics, aerospace and avionics, automotive, industrial process control, etc. have joined the traditional applications of distributed systems.

The conference provides a wide spectrum of topics, covered in the following tracks:
  • * Alternative Systems and Models
  • * Autonomic Computational Science
  • * Cloud Computing
  • * Embedded Systems
  • * Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems / Dependability
  • * Formal Methods in Distributed Systems
  • * Grid Computing
  • * Mobility and Dynamic Networks
  • * Multicore Computing
  • * Peer-to-Peer Systems
  • * Self-Organizing Systems
  • * Sensor Networks
  • * Stabilization
  • * System Safety and Security

* Paper Submission: May 31, 2009
* Initial Notification and Beginning of Rebuttal Phase: July 24, 2009
* End of Rebuttal Phase: July 28, 2009
* Final Notification: August 1, 2009
* Camera Ready Submission: August 15, 2009

Papers must be submitted in PDF format and be prepared using the LNCS style.
Detailed instructions for submitting papers will be available later.
Two types of papers can be submitted: Regular Papers and Brief Announcements.
Submissions for regular papers should be no longer than 15 pages (including the title, authors, abstract, figures, and references) in LNCS style; a submission may have an appendix of at most two pages beyond the 15 page limit. Brief announcements are restricted to two pages using the
LNCS style, with no appendix. Submissions deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of their merits.
If requested by the authors on the submission system, a regular submission that is not selected for a regular presentation will also be considered for a brief announcement. Such a request will not affect consideration of the paper for a regular paper.
A paper submitted at this forum is expected to be original research not previously published. A submission may not be concurrently submitted to another conference, workshop, or journal.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
Selected conference papers, provided they are within the scope of ACM TAAS, will be published in a special issue of that journal.\

3nd Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing

3nd Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing

Co-located with SBMF/SBLP 2009 (www.sbmf2009.inf.ufrgs.br)

Gramado, RS, Brazil
August 19th, 2009

Software testing is a central activity in the validation and verification
process of software systems. It has been largely applied in industry with
the purpose of detecting defects and also composing the systems
certification. Research in this area has steadily increased in the last
years. Notable academic progress has already been achieved in the area.
Also, industry has continuously improved test processes. Systematic
approaches have proven to be more effective than ad-hoc testing as well as
automation of strenuous and repetitive activities. Moreover, successful
cases have been reported.

The main goal of SAST is to be a forum that brings together the research
community and industry.The proposal of this third SAST edition, now in
conjunction with SMBF, was built on two main factors. The first one is
the success of the previous editions, which demonstrates the growth of
the field. The second one is the common interests shared by the testing
and formal method communities. This interest tends to be even greater
in the future.
The event can clearly promote advances in the research and practice in the
software testing area by aiding the establishment of collaborations
and joint projects.

The topics covered by the workshop include, but are not limited to, the

. Test-driven development;
. Testing integrated with development activities;
. Program-based testing;
. Specification-based testing;
. Model-based testing;
. Model-driven testing;
. Risk-based testing;
. Error-based and fault-based testing;
. Performance, load and stress testing;
. Combinatorial testing and random testing;
. Test case selection techniques;
. Test case generation techniques;
. Test oracle and test result checking techniques;
. Test driver, stubs, harness and test script generation;
. Test adequacy and coverage measurement;
. Test effective analysis and test report generation;
. Test related software artifact generation;
. Management of testing activities and resources;
. Maintenance and reuse of test artifacts;
. Requirements and Tests;
. Test artifacts traceability;
. Formal Approaches to Testing.

Two types of submissions are expected:
i) Technical papers; and
ii) Experience Report.

Papers submitted to the workshop must be unpublished original work. The
papers can be written either in Portuguese or in English and will be judged
according to their adequacy to workshop scope, relevance, technical
soundness and originality. Papers should state clearly their relation to
previous work, mainly to previous published work of the own authors.

Theoretical papers should emphasize the contribution to the practice. Papers
on empirical experiments should describe the used methods and interpret
qualitatively and quantitatively their results.
Accepted submissions of technical and experience report papers are going to
be presented at the workshop technical sessions. All submissions must be
in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), following the guidelines established
by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) available
at: http://www.sbc.org.br (In the link "Eventos").

i) Technical papers should present original contribution to software testing
research area and must be no longer than 10 pages, including all the figures,
references, and appendices.

ii) Experience report papers content should describe the practical usage of
software testing in real industry applications, emphasizing the results
obtained and the lessons learned. The reports should not have been published
previously, yet they are not required to present original contributions.
Experience report papers must be no longer than 6 pages, including all the
figures, references, and appendices.

Paper submission will be done electronically at the following address:

Authors of accepted papers are required to register to the workshop and
present the paper at the workshop to ensure publication

Submission Deadline: 15/06
Notification of Acceptance: 15/07
Final Version: 30/07

Publicado por unimauro en 17:07 0 comentarios  

6th Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS 2009)

6th Latin American Robotics Symposium (LARS 2009)


The 6th Latin American Robotics Symposium, LARS 2009, will be held in
Valparaiso, Chile, October 29th and 30th, 2009.

This event is held jointly with the 8th IEEE Latin American Robotics
Competition (LARC 2009) and 5th Latin American RoboCup Open.
Watch topics of interest

* July 13: Deadline for Full Paper Submissions.
* August 10: Notification of Acceptance/Rejection.
* August 24: Final, Camera Ready Papers, Due.

Paper Submission

Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the Web Upload System only.

Papers should be submitted in standard IEEE Transactions format. The first
page of the paper, centered on the top below the top margin, should include
the paper title, the authors' names and their affiliations, an abstract, and

Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the
Program Chairs and the Program Committee.

Publicado por unimauro en 17:06 0 comentarios  

Last Call for Special Issue Papers: Trusted Computing and Communications

Last Call for Special Issue Papers: Trusted Computing and Communications
in the Wiley’s Security and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal

With the rapid development and increasing complexity of computer and communications systems and networks, traditional security technologies may not be able to meet the demand for integrated and dynamic security solutions. As a challenging and fast-growing research area, trusted computing and communications work to make computer/communications systems and networks available, secure, reliable, and controllable. In general, trust works in three aspects: identity trust, function trust, and behavior trust. We can view traditional security as
the identity trust, whereas trusted computing and communications also include function trust and behavior trust of systems and networks. In fact, trusted computing and communications have gradually become an essential part of e-commence and e-government, including various distributed services, applications, and systems.This Special Issue (SI) is proposed in Wiley’s Security and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal (http://www.interscience.wiley.com/security) to provide a forum in the community to exchange the current research activities focusing on analysis, design, and applications of trusted computing and communications in various computer/communications systems and networks.

Topics of Interest

This SI on Trusted Computing and Communications in SCN includes (but not limited to)
the topics listed as follows:

Semantics, metrics and models of trust
Trust establishment, propagation, and management
Trusted computing platform
Trusted network computing
Trusted operating system
Trusted software
Trusted database
Trusted services and applications
Trust in e-commerce and e-government
Trust in mobile and wireless networks
Cryptography and security protocols
Reliable and fault-tolerant computer systems/networks
Survivable computer systems/networks
Authentication in computer systems/networks
Access control in computer systems/networks
Key management in computer systems/networks
Trust-related security and privacy
Trusted communications
Impact of distrust or mistrust systems
Architecture of secured and trusted systems
Security and privacy in trusted systems

Important Dates:

Papers submission deadline: May 30, 2009 (Firm Deadline)
Notification of decisions: August 30, 2009
Final Manuscript Due: November 30, 2009
Publication (tentatively): March/April 2010

Instructions for Authors and Review Process:

Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished works. Original research papers are
solicited in all areas of concern (as listed above). All submissions will be peer reviewed
by at least three experts working in the areas. The guidelines for prospective authors can be
found online at http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/security. Prospective authors should
submit their papers online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scn and no email submissions
will be accepted. When submitting the papers, the authors should make sure to choose the
Manuscript type as “Special Issue”, and enter “Running Head” and “Special Issue title”
as “SCN-SI-011” and “TrustedCom”, respectively, in the SCN Journal Manuscript Central website.

Guest Editors:
Prof. Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Email: csgjwang@mail.csu.edu.cn

Prof. Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Email: ltyang@stfx.ca

Prof. Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan
Email: sakurai@csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Publicado por unimauro en 16:12 0 comentarios  

The 5th International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and comPuting

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

The 5th International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia

Networking and comPuting


held in conjunction with

The 12th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and

Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM'09)

26-30 October, 2009, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

|| Scope ||

The Fifth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and comPuting (WMuNeP) will be a one-day workshop, held in conjunction with the 12th Annual ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM´09), in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

The demand for wireless multimedia communications thrives in today's consumer and corporate market. The need to evolve multimedia applications and services, and their associated protocols for emerging networks is at a critical point given the proliferation and integration of wireless systems to intelligent and broadband networks, mobility of people, data/voice convergence and the integration of computing and communication in mobile devices. This workshop is devoted to cover different aspects of wireless multimedia networking and performance modeling for WLANs, WPANs, WMANs, WWANs, MANETs, VANETs and sensor networks such as wireless video and wireless streaming, systematic design methodologies, algorithms, synchronization, analysis and performance modeling. The workshop will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their contributions related to the above high-level aspects.

|| Topics ||

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* Wireless multimedia network management

* Wireless multimedia traffic modeling

* Middleware and reflective systems support for wireless multimedia

* Proxy-based systems for video transcoding and content distribution

* Performance modeling, monitoring and evaluation of wireless multimedia networks and systems

* Multipoint, multicast wireless multimedia services

* Deployment of wireless multimedia applications, services and networks

* Protocols for wireless multimedia networks

* QoS and Resource Allocation in wireless multimedia networks

* Integration of wireless multimedia networks to broadband networks

* End-to-end IP multimedia wireless communications

* Coding and transmission for wireless multimedia networks

* Distributed wireless multimedia services

* Content-based wireless multimedia information retrieval tools

* Video, streaming, real-time wireless multimedia communications and applications

* Security in wireless multimedia networks

* Wireless multimedia right protection and watermarking

* Pricing mechanisms for wireless multimedia networks

* E-Commerce and related applications for wireless multimedia networks

* Multimedia evaluation and processing for wireless networks

* Cross layer design for wireless multimedia networks

* Analytical modeling of wireless multimedia networks

* Software tools for system performance and evaluation of wireless multimedia networks

* Performance comparison of wireless multimedia networks

* Case studies showing the role of evaluation in the design of systems

* Wireless multimedia sensor networks

|| Important Dates ||

- Paper Submission June 15, 2009

- Author Notification July 15, 2009

- Camera-ready Paper August 1, 2009

|| Submission Guideliness ||

High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the conference.

Paper length should be no more than 10 pages, double column, ACM style including tables and figures. Note that the regular paper size will be 8 pages, with the possibility to obtain up to 2 additional pages (total 10 pages) by paying a fee.Short papers might be included in the technical program to complete it and foster discussion and idea exchange. For all, at least one author of accepted papers must attend the conference to present its contribution.

Papers must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system. The complete list of authors' names must be inserted when registering the paper on the EasyChair system. In order to access the EasyChair system you need to register first. Authors should check if they already have an account on the EasyChair system; otherwise, they must create one before submitting the paper.

Detailed submission instructions can be found on the workshop's website, http://research.cs.queensu.ca/wmunep/

|| General Chair ||

Regina B. Araujo, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil

|| Workshop Co-Chairs ||

Cheng Li, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Queen's University, Canada

Publicado por unimauro en 14:57 0 comentarios  

ICCV09 Workshop on Video-Oriented Object and Event Classification (VOEC’09)

ICCV09 Workshop on Video-Oriented Object and Event Classification (VOEC’09)


Techniques for video oriented object and event classification have attracted much attention owing to the great potentials in surveillance, video summarization, video semantic understanding and search, advertisement, robotics, and human computer interface. Recent rapid advances have paved roads for video-oriented object and event recognition. However, there still exist many key issues unsolved, e.g. How to design effective and efficient features dedicated to video data? How to manage large-scale video database? How to handle low-quality videos? How to preserve privacy in surveillance application? The main purpose of this one day workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the latest progress in video based object and event classification, and also provide a platform for researchers to understand the main challenges and key issues in this area.

Original high-quality papers are solicited on topics including, but not limited to

1. Feature design for video-based object and event classification

2. Machine learning techniques for video-based object and event classification

3. Video-based biometric (e.g. face, gesture, gait, etc)

4. Video-based object detection (e.g. human, car, etc)

5. Motion analysis in video (e.g. motion segmentation, structure from motion, etc)

6. Action, activity, and event classification in videos

7. Techniques for large-scale video analysis

8. Techniques for low-quality video analysis (e.g. super-resolution, video stabilization, etc)

9. Techniques for extracting semantics yet preserving privacy (e.g. blind vision middleware)

10. Other video based applications

Important Dates:

1. Paper Submission: June 14, 2009

2. Notification of Acceptance: July 05, 2009

3. Camera-ready Version: July 14, 2009

4. Workshop Date: September 28, 2009

Advisory Board:

· Thomas Huang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

· Dimitris N. Metaxas, Rutgers University, USA

· Xiaoou Tang, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

· Songde Ma, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Workshop Co-Chairs:

· Shuicheng Yan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

· Qingshan Liu, Rutgers University, USA

· Changsheng Xu, National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Web Co-Chair:

· Ju Sun, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Best Paper Award:

The best paper award sponsored by IBM is set up to encourage submission of high-quality papers on related research.

Publicado por unimauro en 14:52 0 comentarios  

1st International Workshop on: *INTERNET MULTIMEDIA MINING*

1st International Workshop on:


(with dataset support)


In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2009

December 6, Miami, Florida, USA

Aims and scopeWith the explosion of video and image data available on the Internet, online multimedia applications become more and more important. Moreover, mining semantics and other useful information from large-scale Internet multimedia data to facilitate online and local multimedia content analysis, search and other related applications has also gained more and more attention from both academia and industry. On the one hand, the rapid increase of online multimedia data brings new challenges to multimedia content analysis, multimedia retrieval and related multimedia applications, especially in scalability. Both computation cost and performance of many existing techniques are far from satisfactory. On the other hand, Internet also provides us with new opportunities to attack these challenges as well has conventional problems encountered in multimedia mining, content analysis, image/video understanding and computer vision. That is, the massive associated metadata, context and social information available on the Internet, as well as the massive grassroots Internet users, are invaluable resources that can be leveraged to solve the aforementioned difficulties.

Recently more and more researchers are realizing both the challenges and the opportunities for multimedia research brought by the Internet. This full-day workshop aims at bringing together high-quality and novel research works on "Internet Multimedia Mining".

One of the major obstacles of "Internet Multimedia Mining" research is the difficulty in forming a "good" dataset for algorithm developing, system prototyping and performanceevaluation. Together with this workshop, we release a benchmark dataset, which is based on real Internet multimedia data and real Internet multimedia search engines. Submissions to this workshop are encouraged to use this dataset, but papers/demos working on other Internet-based datasets are also welcome.

MSRA Multimedia Dataset

MSRA-MM Version 1 dataset is ready for shipping. Detailed information about the dataset can

be find at: http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=79942. Please contact the

dataset chair (Meng Wang: mengwang@microsoft.com) to request the data.

MSRA-MM Version 2 dataset (10 times larger with more metadata) will be ready around June 15.

Please submit your request to the dataset chair.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

* Internet video/image/audio annotation, classification, tagging, search ranking and reranking by combining textual description and video/image content.

* General video/image/audio annotation, classification, tagging, search ranking and reranking by exploiting Internet data and/or users. Approaches which can handle large-scale data/users are more preferred.

* Video/image/audio processing and analyses using Internet data as a knowledge base.

* Social media processing, such as online media authoring and sharing, tag recommendation, tag filtering, tag ranking, and search ranking based on image/video/audio social context.

* Knowledge mining from Internet multimedia data, such as mining semantic distance of keywords or images, mining video/image/audio copy relationships (e.g., given a video/image/audio, to find all videos/images on the Internet that have the same content with the video/image, either entirely or partially), mining trends of multimedia consuming/sharing, mining knowledge (for example, "photo encyclopedia"", from massive amount of multimedia content on the Internet, etc.

* Web-scale content-based multimedia retrieval (for example, approaches based on large-scale high-dimensional feature indexing).

* Other online multimedia mining applications, such as multimedia advertising, multimedia recommendation, as well as location/GPS/geography-enabled multimedia, multimedia sensor network over the Internet, etc.

Paper Submission

We accept two forms of submissions: regular full papers and demonstrations. Regular submissions for this workshop are required to use the same format as regular ICDM long papers (a maximum of 10 pages in the IEEE 2-column format). And demonstration submission requires a 1- or 2-page demo description. We especially encourage long-paper authors to submit a demo also. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Extended version of selected papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of a top journal in data mining or multimedia area.


The workshop will present two awards: a best paper award and a best demonstration award, judged by a separate awards committee.

Important Dates

  • * August 8 Submission of full paper
  • * August 29 Submission of demo paper
  • * September 8 Notification of Acceptance
  • * September 28 Camera-Ready Paper Due
  • * December 6 Workshop

3rd European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery

3rd European Symposium on Mobile Media Delivery (EUMOB) 2009
in conjunction with MobiMedia 2009
7-9 September, 2009, Kingston University, UK


The delivery of multimedia content to every mobile handset on every mobile network, anytime and anywhere is still a major challenge. Several European research projects from the FP6 and
the FP7 programme are addressing the challenges of mobile media delivery. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of mobile media delivery, projects from the mobile and wireless area, from the networked media area as well as from the content technologies area, not neglecting security and experimental facilities, are dealing with mobile media delivery.

One of the goals of the symposium is to allow exchange of ideas and interaction among the different European Projects on the topic in question, with a special focus on recently started FP7
projects. European technology platforms are also invited to present their views in the area.

Besides these projects, other research work about mobile media delivery is carried out in academia, research institutes and industrial companies. EUMOB 2009 will give researchers the
opportunity to present their latest results on this topic.
Researchers active in FP6 and FP7 research projects as well as other leading international researchers are invited to participate and share their latest findings.

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished contributions dealing with topics on mobile media delivery, including, but not limited to:
  • - Architectures for mobile media delivery
  • - Mobile media delivery over next generation systems
  • - Peer-to-peer networks for mobile media delivery
  • - Solutions for optimized media delivery and transport over heterogeneous networks
  • - Quality of Service/Experience issues and solutions, including video quality assessment methods
  • - Network convergence for media delivery
  • - Media adaptation to networks and devices
  • - Cross-layer communication for mobile media delivery
  • - (Scalable) source coding for mobile media
  • - Source/channel coding and joint optimizations
  • - Efficient usage of radio and spectrum resources
  • - Mobile media delivery to multiple users
  • - Interactive mobile broadcast and Mobile TV
  • - Security and protection for mobile media delivery
  • - Content-aware and context-aware mobile media delivery
  • - Standards for mobile media delivery
  • - Health, transport and environment applications

Important Dates
- Paper Submission: May 31, 2009
- Review Results: June 26, 2009
- Submission of Camera-ready Papers: July 23, 2009

- Christian Timmerer, christian.timmerer@itec.uni-klu.ac.at
- Jyrki Huusko, Jyrki.Huusko@vtt.fi

Submissions should be full-length papers of up to 5 pages (including all figures and references) formatted according to ACM publication template. Papers will be accepted only by electronic
submission through the ASSYST system and the instructions can be found at http://www.mobimedia.org/eumob2009.shtml. Accepted papers will be published in Springer LNICST (Lecture Notes of ICST) and will be made available in ACM Digital Library.

Publicado por unimauro en 14:34 0 comentarios  

6th Latin-American Network Operations and Management Symposium

6th Latin-American Network Operations and Management Symposium
October 19th-21st, 2009
Barradas Hotel
Punta del Este, Uruguay

Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE/IFIP/WG 6.6 (pending)

The 6th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2009) will be held on October 19th-21st, 2008 at the Conrad Resort & Casino in Punta del Este, Uruguay. LANOMS 2009 will offer the latest technical advances in all aspects of the operation and management of distributed infrastructures, including networks, application services and distributed systems in general. LANOMS has been held in odd-numbered years since 1999 and pursues the tradition of the NOMS and APNOMS events.

LANOMS 2009 is promoted by the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UdelaR). It aims to be the primary forum in Latin America for the exchange of ideas and results among the research, standards, vendor and user communities in the field of operations and management. The symposium is co-sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 6.6 on Management of Networks and Distributed Systems , and by the IEEE Communications Society (pending).

Several types of sessions will be held at LANOMS 2009.

Technical sessions will be held for the presentation of full scientific papers discussing recent research results.
Poster sessions are directed for more informal interactions and presenting work in progress. Short papers can be submitted for consideration as poster presentations. Posters will be selected from these short papers and full papers.
Application sessions aim to complement the Technical Sessions with contributions that emphasize practical experiences and lessons learnt in conjunction with management technology. They will focus on aspects such as real-world deployment scenarios, experiences with the management of new services and technology, industrial applications of management technology, implementation examples of new management technology, organizational impact, and business cases. The intended audience especially includes decision makers and experts from industry.

Travel Grants:
Thanks to the supporting organizations, LANOMS 2009 has a travel grants program. Authors of outstanding papers can apply. Please contact Travel Grants Chair Martin Giachino at giachino@fing.edu.uy.

Paper submissions:
Paper submissions will undergo a rigorous review process performed by the Technical Program Committee, which includes the most respected experts in the field. We encourage the submission of papers that present new research results or that present insightful results based on experience with the operation and management of networks, systems, applications and services.The LANOMS 2009 invites authors from all over the world to submit original and unpublished work to both technical and application tracks. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Management Paradigms, Models, Theories and Architectures

* Integrated control and management
* Distributed, cooperative and scalable management
* Policy and role based management
* Proactive and reactive management
* Programmable, active, and adaptive management
* Information models and Internet technologies (Web, XML, DEN, CIM)
* Management using Web Services
* Ontologies in management
* Resilience, dependability and survivability
* Component-based management
* Customer-controlled and managed networks
* Theories (control, optimization, economic, games, chaos, graph) for management

Enabling Management Technologies

* Autonomic Computing and Self-Management
* Grid, middleware and peer-to-peer technologies
* User interfaces and virtual reality in management
* Data warehousing, mining and statistical methods in management
* AI techniques (knowledge-based, intelligent agents, machine learning, neural networks)

Operation and Management Functions

* Security management
* Mobility management
* End-to-end measurements
* Network and systems monitoring
* Alarm correlation, filtering and fault management
* Customer care and workforce management
* Process engineering for operators' service and network management
* Performance management
* Configuration and accounting management
* Integration and testing of commercial off-the-shelf products
* Content hosting and delivery
* Path Protection and Restoration
* Internet service pricing, bandwidth trading

IT Service Management

* Process Engineering and Process Frameworks (ITIL, eTOM)
* IT service delivery processes
* IT service support processes
* Workflow Management for IT Service Provisioning
* Transaction-oriented services and supply chain management
* Service discovery and service negotiation
* Risk Management and IT Governance Issues
* Business-Driven IT Management

Management of Emerging Networks and Services

* Converged networks and services
* Peer-to-peer and community networks
* Grids, grid services, and grid applications
* Ad hoc and self-configurable networks
* Multi-sensor and self-organizing networks
* Overlay networks, virtual topologies and VPN services
* Wireless broadband networks (2G, 2.5G, 3G, and beyond)
* High speed access, Wireless Local (WLANs) and Personal Area Networks (PANs)
* Optical networks (metropolitan, all optical, WDM, DWDM, optical IP)
* Video and broadband cable networks
* VoIP, VoD, FTTX networks, services, and protocols (IPv4, IPv6, H.323, SIP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP, MGCP, and QoS)
* Storage Area Networks (SAN) and ASP/MSP server farms
* Management of Web Services
* Content delivery networks
* Smart homes and networked haptics
* Satellite and interplanetary networks

And special topics of interest to Latin America such as:

* Management experience of academic networks
* Management experience of metropolitan networks
* Management of community wireless networks
* Brazilian Giga Project
* EELA-2 Project
* OLPC deployment, such as CEIBAL and UCA projects
* Experience with Planet Lab
* IPv4/v6 networks and services
* Experience with advanced networks (Clara, Internet2, Ampath, Géant)

Important Dates
* Paper registration and submission deadline: May 31, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2009
* Final camera ready paper due: July 12, 2009

Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit original contributions in PDF format through the LANOMS 2009 web site. Papers must be written in English. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere can be submitted. Self-plagiarized papers and multiple submissions will be rejected without further review.

Full papers should not exceed the limit of 12 pages. Short papers should not exceed the limit of 4 pages. Format full and short papers using the IEEE 2-column style. Sample files and templates can be downloaded from the LANOMS 2009 Web site. Application papers consist of annotated slides and should have a visual in the upper half of a page and the explanatory text in the lower half, following the current IM/NOMS format, and should not exceed 12 visuals in PDF only. A PowerPoint template and a sample PDF file can be downloaded from the LANOMS Web site as well.

All selected papers will be published in the LANOMS proceedings. All papers appearing in the proceedings will be included in IEEExplore. Authors of scientific papers (full and short) should submit a PDF file at https://jems.sbc.org.br/lanoms2009. Please select “Poster session” if you are submitting a short paper. Authors of application papers should submit at https://jems.sbc.org.br/lanoms2009_app. Please prepare your submission to the application session using this template..

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted.

Extended versions of selected excellent papers will be submitted for fast-track publication in Computer Communications Journal (Elsevier)

IX Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais

IX Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais
Campinas, SP, 28 de setembro a 2 de outubro de 2009
>>> 08/06/2009: novo prazo de submissão de artigos <<<

O Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg) é um evento científico promovido anualmente pela Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC). Representa o principal fórum no País para a apresentação de pesquisas e atividades relevantes ligadas à segurança da informação e de sistemas, integrando a comunidade brasileira de pesquisadores e profissionais atuantes nessa área. A 9a edição do simpósio será realizada entre 28 de setembro e 2 de outubro na cidade de Campinas, SP, sob a organização do Instituto de Computação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). O simpósio proporcionará uma rica variedade de atividades, tais como sessões técnicas, minicursos, palestras proferidas por especialistas brasileiros e estrangeiros, painéis e workshops. Mais informações sobre o SBSeg podem ser obtidas em http://www.sbc.org.br/sbseg.

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- 08/06/2009: prazo final para submissão de artigos completos (estendido)
- 03/08/2009: notificação dos autores sobre artigos completos
- 10/08/2009: prazo final para submissão de resumos estendidos
- 17/08/2009: prazo para envio da versão final de artigos completos
- 20/08/2009: notificação sobre os resumos estendidos
- 24/08/2009: prazo para envio da versão final de resumos estendidos
- 28/09-02/10/2009: realização do SBSeg 2009

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O tema central do evento é a segurança (security) da informação e de sistemas computacionais. Nesse contexto, destacamos os seguintes tópicos:

- algoritmos e técnicas criptográficas
- anonimato
- auditoria e análise em sistemas
- autenticação e gerência de identidade
- biometria e sistemas biométricos
- controle de acesso
- criminalística computacional
- gerência de chaves
- hardware criptográfico, RFID e cartões inteligentes
- medidas e sistemas de contingência face a desastres
- metodologias de certificação de sistemas e de softwares seguros
- metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas seguros
- modelos de confiança
- padronização e normalização em segurança
- políticas de segurança
- proteção de propriedade intelectual e DRM
- protocolos de segurança
- segurança adaptativa
- segurança em aplicações (multimídia distribuída, TV digital, e- banking, etc)
- segurança em dispositivos móveis/sistemas embarcados/redes sem-fio
- segurança em grades computacionais, redes P2P e redes de sobreposição
- segurança em middleware (Java RMI, J2EE, CorbaSec,.Net, etc)
- segurança em redes
- segurança em serviços web
- segurança em sistemas distribuídos
- segurança em sistemas operacionais
- tecnologias de "firewall"
- teste e avaliação da segurança
- tolerância a falhas
- tolerância a intrusões
- votação eletrônica
- vulnerabilidades, ataques e detecção de intrusões

A lista de tópicos acima certamente não é exaustiva; outros tópicos podem ser abordados, desde que em consonância com o tema central do evento.

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Os trabalhos submetidos devem descrever atividades de pesquisa, relatos de experiências relevantes e estudos de casos. Serão aceitas submissões de artigos completos e resumos estendidos, cada um com sua data limite de submissão. Trabalhos completos devem ter até 14 páginas, incluindo figuras, tabelas, referências e apêndices. Resumos estendidos devem ter até 2 páginas e podem descrever trabalhos em andamento que ainda não apresentaram resultados significativos. Tais trabalhos serão apresentados em sessão especial no SBSeg, fomentando a discussão. IMPORTANTE: Todos os artigos devem ser submetidos de forma anônima, ou seja, devem evitar informações que vinculem o artigo à identidade dos autores.

A submissão de trabalhos será exclusivamente eletrônica. Autores devem usar a URL https://jems.sbc.org.br. Os artigos podem ser escritos em português ou inglês, exclusivamente no formato PDF. A formatação do texto deve seguir o padrão da SBC, disponível em http://www.sbc.org.br/template.

Ambos artigos completos e resumos estendidos serão avaliados por um corpo de revisores, sendo que os selecionados serão organizados para apresentação e publicação nos Anais do simpósio. Pelo menos um dos autores de cada artigo selecionado deverá se inscrever no SBSeg, bem como comparecer ao evento para apresentá-lo.

Publicado por unimauro en 14:25 0 comentarios  

XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados (SBBD 2009)

XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Bancos de Dados (SBBD 2009)
Promovido pela Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
Fortaleza, Ceará
05 a 07 de Outubro de 2009

*** Novas Datas ***
Submissão de Artigos : 12 de junho de 2009
Notificação aos Autores : 24 de julho de 2009
Envio da Versão Final : 31 de Julho de 2009

*** Informações Gerais ***
O SBBD é o evento oficial da SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - na área de bancos de dados, e tem como maior objetivo divulgar resultados de pesquisa nesta área. É atualmente o maior evento na América Latina em Bancos de Dados. O SBBD reúne pesquisadores, estudantes e profissionais do Brasil e do exterior para discutir problemas relacionados aos tópicos mais atuais da tecnologia de bancos de dados.

A sessão de Demos do SBBD é um fórum rico para troca de experiências e mostra de soluções automatizadas entre pesquisadores, desenvolvedores e profissionais, tanto da academia quanto do mercado, interessados em soluções práticas e funcionais para problemas não triviais que envolvam tecnologias para gerência de dados e/ou informações.

Este ano, o simpósio será realizado na linda Fortaleza, no estado do Ceará. Maiores informações sobre o local em

*** Submissão e Avaliação ***
O processo de avaliação e de seleção das demonstrações ocorre em 2 etapas.

Na primeira etapa, os autores submetem um artigo descrevendo as principais características de suas demos. Cada artigo submetido será analisado por pelo menos 3 membros do Comitê de Programa quanto à originalidade, alcance prático do software, contribuição técnica e apresentação.

Na segunda etapa, as demos selecionadas serão apresentadas durante a conferência, quando são novamente analisadas por um Comitê de Julgamento quanto à sua operacionalidade e adequação à sua descrição.

Os resultados das 2 avaliações serão utilizados pelo Comitê de Julgamento para escolher e *premiar a melhor demo*.

*** Outline ***
A sessão de Demos será realizada em 2 dias durante o SBBD2009. Um dos autores de cada demo deverá estar presente na Conferência, tanto para apresentar o seu artigo com o uso de slides quanto para uma apresentação prática do software. Adicionalmente, cada demo deve ter um poster para exibição durante a sua apresentação prática. O poster, no tamanho de 0.70 cm x 1.00 m (width x height), deverá incluir a seguinte informação:
- nome do software
- nomes e afiliações dos autores
- informações sobre financiamento para construção do software, se aplicável
- e-mail de contato e URL para maiores informações sobre o software
- resumo
- principais características/funcionalidades do software
- principais referências

É desejável que os autores utilizem equipamento próprio (laptops) para a realização das apresentações práticas. Se necessário, equipamento específico poderá estar disponível para instalação e execução do software, se previamente solicitado à organização (junto à submissão
do artigo final).

*** Instruções para Submissão ***
Artigos podem ser escritos em Português ou Inglês, e devem ser do formato PDF. Outros formatos não serão aceitos. Os artigos devem ter até 6 (seis) páginas, incluindo:
resumo (português), summary (inglês), objetivos do trabalho, descrição detahada da demo e de suas funcionalidades (incluindo figuras e diagramas) e referências.

Artigos devem ser formatados segundo templates da SBC, disponível em http://www.sbc.org.br/sbc/eventos/templates.html (Link "Modelo para publicacao de artigos").

Submissões devem ser feitas eletronicamente através da página

*** Publicação ***
Os artigos descrevendo as demos aceitas serão publicados nos Anais do SBBD Demos. O aceite de um trabalho implica que pelo menos 1 de seus autores se inscreverá no Simpósio para apresentá-la.

Publicado por unimauro en 14:22 0 comentarios  



23-26 September, 2009, Burgos, Spain
URL: http://gicap.ubu.es/ideal2009

*** Extended Paper Submission Deadline: 30th May, 2009 ***

IDEAL is an annual conference dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in intelligent data analysis and engineering and their associated learning paradigms. Its recent events have enjoyed huge successes in many parts of the world such as Daejeon (2008), Birmingham (2007), Burgos (2006), Brisbane (2005), Exeter (2004), Hong Kong (2003), and Manchester (2002).

IDEAL 2009 will be held in the medieval capital of Spain, Burgos, for the second time thanks to its previous achievement. IDEAL 2009 will provide a stimulating and fruitful forum for presenting and discussing the latest theoretical advances and real-world applications in
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning.

*** TOPICS ***
The main themes of the conference are (but not limited to):

For details please visit http://gicap.ubu.es/ideal2009

All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Accepted papers will be included in IDEAL'09 Proceedings, that will be published by Springer in the prestigious Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Papers should not exceed 8 pages and should comply with the format of LNCS/LNAI proceedings (see http://www.springer.com). All manuscripts should be submitted through the on-line submission system - available shortly.

All accepted contributions will be considered for extension and expansion for publication in a special issue of the following established international journals:


  • - SS01: Soft Computing Techniques in Data Mining
  • - SS02: Recent Advances on Swarm-based Computing
  • - SS03: Nature-inspired models: evolutionary computation and quantum algorithms
  • - SS04: Intelligent Computational Techniques in Medical Image Processing
  • - SS05: Advances on Ensemble Learning and Information Fusion
  • - SS06: Financial and Business Engineering (Modeling and Applications)

  • - 2nd International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems CISIS'09 (http://gicap.ubu.es/cisis2009)
  • - MIR Day 2009 - Burgos
  • - Workshop on Bioinformatics
Submission of papers: 30th May 2009
Notification of acceptance: 23rd June 2009
Camera-ready papers due: 1st July 2009
IDEAL 2009 Conference and Workshops: 23rd-26th September 2009

6th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology

Innovations 2009
6th International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology

December 15-17, 2009
Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
*IEEE pending upon Approval

Conference web site: http://www.it-innovations.ae/
Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations'09), is a premier Forum for the presentation and discussion of technology advances and research results in the field of Information Technology (IT). Held in the oasis city of Al Ain, the fourth largest city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Innovations '09 is the sixth in the series that has been held in Dubai since
Innovations'09 will be hosted by the College of Information Technology (CIT). The CIT is the newest addition to the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), the oldest and largest university in the UAE.
The latest research advances in fields ranging from Communication Networks and Security to evolving Computing Systems, Software Engineering,
Information Systems, Web Technologies, Bioinformatics and Healthcare Informatics are explored in Innovations' technical sessions.

  • Tutorial & Workshops proposals due: June 29, 2009
  • Paper and poster submissions due: August 31, 2009
  • Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2009
  • Final camera ready paper due: November 2, 2009

Topics within the following Tracks:

Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES)

Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES)

Grenoble, France -- October 11, 2009

Integrated in the ESWEEK 2009

With support from the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design



Adaptive embedded systems can respond to environmental changes including hardware/software defects, resource changes, and non-continual feature usage. As such, adaptive systems can extend the area of operations and improve efficiency in the use of system resources. However, adaptability also incurs overhead in terms of system complexity and resource requirements. For example, an adaptive system requires some means for reconfiguration. These means and their mechanisms introduce additional complexity to the design and the architecture, and they also require additional resources such as computation, power, and communication bandwidth. Consequently, adaptive systems must be diligently planned, designed, analyzed, and built to find the right tradeoffs between too much and too little flexibility.

The issue is how to provide the adaptability to the application, because
it affects all aspects of the development process (e.g., capturing, methodologies, modeling, analysis, testing, and implementation), the chosen system technologies (e.g., computation and communication models, interfaces, component-based design, programming languages, dependability, and design patterns) and the system itself (e.g., operating system, middleware, network protocols, and application frameworks).

In many systems, flexibility and the resulting tradeoffs is usually ignored until a very late stage. Many try to retrofit existing prototypes, middleware, operating systems, and protocols with concepts and means for flexibility such as run-time system reconfiguration or reflexive diagnostics and steering methods. Such retrofitting typically leads to disproportionate overhead, unusual tradeoffs, and in general it leads to less satisfactory results.

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss new and on-going research that is centered on the idea of adaptability as first class citizen and consider the involved tradeoffs. The workshop will provide an open forum to discuss ideas and approaches, and intends to give the attendees a chance to discuss them in a relaxed environment. The target audience includes people from academia, tool vendors, system suppliers, and users in industry interested in the all aspects of the mentioned topics. The workshop will be based on presentations of selected works with sufficient time for feedback from the audience and discussions. We encourage all the prospective participants to submit short papers, work-
in-progress reports, or position papers.

Information on the previous edition of the workshop can be found here


The following topics provide examples of what fits into the workshop, however, the list is not exhaustive and submissions not precisely falling into these categories are also welcome.

-Capturing and modeling of flexible application and reconfiguration requirements
-Tradeoff analysis and modeling
-Programming-language support for adaptability
-Middleware support for adaptability
-Operating system support for adaptability
-Computation and communication models for adaptability
-Policies and algorithms for single and multi-resource reconfiguration
-Verification and certification of reconfigurable systems
-Case studies and success stories
-Taxonomies and comparative studies
-Diagnostic and steering of embedded systems
-System architecture and design patterns for adaptability
-Probabilistic reconfiguration techniques
-Scalability, reusability, and modularity of reconfiguration mechanisms
-Dependability and adaptability across the architectural levels
-Quality of service management
-Application frameworks for reconfigurable embedded systems

Submission Guidelines

Prospective participants should submit a 4 page paper in PDF format through the submissions page referred below. The submissions should conform to the proceedings publication format (IEEE Conference style). They should explain the intention of the work, the prospective results, and make clear the current status of the work. The submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The papers will be published in a Proceedings volume that will be available for download and print on the Internet, after the event. A draft printout will be distributed at the workshop to all participants.

Submissions page:

Important Dates

Deadline: 28th June
Notification: 6th September
Final versions: 13th September
Workshop: 11th October 2009

Workshop on E-Learning Security (ELS-2009)

Workshop on E-Learning Security (ELS-2009)

in conjunction with
The 4th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2009) Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE UK/RI Communication Section

November 9-12, 2009, London, UK (www.icitst.org)

The aim of the ELS-2009 Workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in E-Learning Security and to discuss the latest advanced technologies in this area. This workshop is expected to stimulate discussions about the future development of
appropriate models, methods, and tools for building E-Learning Security.

Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
  • Security and Privacy in E-Learning
  • Security Issues on E-Learning Assessments
  • E-Learning Security Auditing
  • Biometrics in E-Learning
  • Secure E-Learning Development and Application
  • Digital Rights Management (DRM) for E-Learning
  • Emerging E-Learning Markets

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: June 30, 2009
Notification of Paper Acceptance/Rejection: July 31, 2009
Camera Ready Paper Due: September 1, 2009
Conference Dates: November 9-12, 2009

Paper Submission
The style file and templates is available at Paper Submission.
Please submit your full paper(s) in PDF format via email to

Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana

martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

I TILic – Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Tecnologia da Informação e da
Linguagem Humana

Workshop que integra o STIL 2009 (Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana), São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil

Página do I TILic: www.nilc.icmc.usp.br/~arianidf/tilic/

NOVIDADE: Data limite para submissão prorrogada: 31/05/2009

Descrição do I TILic
O TILic será o primeiro workshop de Iniciação Científica destinado aos alunos de graduação das áreas de Ciências da Computação, de Letras, de Linguística, de Ciências da Informação e outras, engajados em pesquisas relacionadas ao processamento computacional das línguas naturais.

O I TILic objetiva fomentar a interação e estimular o debate entre os alunos de graduação de diferentes áreas que tomam as línguas naturais e suas tecnologias como objetos de estudo.

Submissão e apresentação do trabalho
Os alunos/ autores são convidados a submeter eletronicamente artigos de (no máximo) 3 páginas. Somente as submissões cujos arquivos estejam no formato PDF serão aceitas. Os autores podem enviar trabalhos de graduação em andamento ou concluídos. Os trabalhos serão analisados pelos membros do comitê de trabalho. Como a revisão será cega, as informações de autoria e filiação não devem ser inseridas na versão submetida para análise.
Referências que revelam a identidade do autor devem ser omitidas.

Todos os trabalhos aceitos no I TILic serão apresentados no formato de pôster.

Datas importantes
15/05/2009: Submissão dos artigos. PRORROGADA: 31/05/2009
19/07/2009: Notificação dos aceites
26/07/2009: Submissão da versão final dos artigos
07/09/2009: Início do STIL 2009

Ariani Di Felippo
Doutorada em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela UNESP/Ar.
Professora do Departamento de Letras (DL) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Pesquisadora sênior do Núcleo Interinstitucional de Linguística Computacional (NILC)

João Luís Garcia Rosa
Doutor em Linguística Computacional pela Unicamp.
Professor do Departamento de Ciências de Computação (SCC) do Instituto de
Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Pesquisador sênior do Núcleo Interinstitucional de Linguística Computacional (NILC)

Publicado por unimauro en 14:33 0 comentarios  

Third Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS'09)

Third Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of
Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS'09)

24-25 September 2009, Toledo - Spain

The ability to negotiate contracts for a wide range of aspects and to provide services conforming to them is a most pressing need in service-oriented architectures. High-level models of contracts are making their way into service-oriented architectures, but application developers are still left to their own devices when it comes to writing code that will comply with a contract concluded just before service provisioning. At the programming language level, contracts appear as separate concerns that cut across application logic, while analysis requires that contracts are abstracted from applications to become amenable to formal reasoning using formal language techniques. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on language-based solutions to the above issues through formalization of contracts, design of appropriate abstraction mechanisms, and formal analysis of contract languages and software.

The workshop will consist mainly of a number of presentations by invited speakers. A small number of additional sessions will be reserved for other researchers in the field who are encouraged to submit a short abstract of their work as an expression of interest in participating in the workshop by 8 June 2009. The number of participants in the workshop is strictly limited.

The previous editions of the workshop were held in Oslo in 2007 (FLACOS'07) and Malta in 2008 (FLACOS'08). The FLACOS workshops are partially supported by Nordunet3, under the project COSoDIS.


Paper Submission Deadline: 8 June 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 15 June 2009
Registration Closes: 15 August 2009
WORKSHOP: 24-25 September 2009


Topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
  • Formal languages for contracts
  • Contract-oriented software development
  • Formal analysis of contracts, including static analysis, run-time verification, and model checking techniques
  • Contract synthesis
  • Contract transformation and contract refinement
  • Contract negotiation, discovery and monitoring



Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are invited to submit an extended abstract of their work (3-8 pages, in PDF format, one column, without page numbers, and printable on A4 paper) to flacos-09@dsi.uclm.es by 8 June 2009. Submission of work submitted for formal publication elsewhere and work in progress is permitted.

The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available at the workshop. After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (Elsevier), following the standard reviewing process of the journal.

  • More information to follow.

  • Björn Bjurling, SICS, Sweden
  • Olaf Owe, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Gordon Pace, University of Malta, Malta (co-chair)
  • Anders P. Ravn, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Gerardo Schneider, University of Oslo, Norway (co-chair)
  • Valentín Valero Ruiz, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain


  • M. Emilia Cambronero Piqueras, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain


Publicado por unimauro en 14:31 0 comentarios  

PATTERNS 2009: The First International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications

PATTERNS 2009: The First International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications

November 15-20, 2009 - Athens, Greece

General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/PATTERNS09.html

Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/CfPPATTERNS09.html

Submission deadline: June 20, 2009

Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org

Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress tracks.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html

PATTERNS 2009 Tracks (tracks' topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Basics on patterns

Design patterns; Pattern identification and extraction; Validate patterns; Patterns? accuracy; Incomplete patterns; Patterns and noise

Patterns at work

Pattern logics and algebras; Pattern recognition; Pattern matching; Pattern languages; Patterns languages/models pitfalls; Pattern specification/modeling; Pattern validation; Pattern composition; Pattern reuse; Testing in pattern-based designed systems; Manageability and maintenance of pattern-based designed systems

Ubiquity patterns

User mobility patterns; Social networking patterns; Content dependency patterns; Content accessing patterns; Behavioral autonomy patterns; Prediction patterns /behavioral, structure, environment/; Patterns of discovery

Software patterns

Software design patterns; Software reuse patterns; Software quality patterns; Software testing patterns; Software performance, security, and safety patterns; Software management patterns

Security patterns

Security patterns; Patterns of trust; Attack patterns; Authorization patterns; Failed access patterns; Intrusion attempt patterns

System management patterns

Management and control patterns; Monitoring patterns; Correlation patterns; Event patterns; Visualization patterns

Discovery and decision patterns

Search patterns; Data mining for patterns; Query patterns; Knowledge patterns; Behavioral patterns; Reasoning patterns; Decision patterns; Patterns in WWW

Communications patterns

Communication patterns; Propagation patterns; Traffic/routing patterns; P2P and P4P patterns; Configuration change patterns; System abnormal behavior patterns

Domain-oriented patterns

Forensic patterns; Genomic patterns; Image patterns; Voice patterns; Speech patterns; Hand writing patterns; Text-embedded sentiment patterns; Emotion recognition patterns; Site access patterns; Service orchestration; Keyboard typing patterns; Financial/stock patterns; Shopping patterns; Dietary patterns; Global warming patterns; Job market patterns; Stock movement patterns; Investing patterns

Antipatterns and lessons learned

Architectural; Design; Development; People and project management; Social

IARIA Publicity Board
Committee members: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/ComPATTERNS09.html

Publicado por unimauro en 14:28 0 comentarios