Journal of Universal Computer Science

lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS)

Special Issue: Software Components, Architectures and Reuse


The aim of the special issue is to report the state of research and
practice on the theme of software components, architectures and reuse.
It will cover all topics related to software components, architectures
and reuse including, but not limited to, component-based software
engineering, specification, verification and test of components,
evolution on component-based systems, component repositories,
component-based programming, certification and quality of components,
software architecture description languages, model-driven
architectures, service-oriented architectures, software architectures
and agile development, specification and verification of
architectures, aspect-oriented software reuse, software product lines,
families and domain engineering, evolution on software product lines,
variability management in software, generative programming and
domain-specific languages, model-driven engineering, tool support for
software components, architectures, and reuse, case studies and
experience reports.


We solicit high-quality papers on these themes and topics to appear in
this special issue. This call for papers is open to all potential
authors, in addition to those of extended submissions from the
Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse
(SBCARS 2009,

All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Each
submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and will be
selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. All
contributions must be original, written in English, not published,
accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. The recommended
length of a paper is between 20 and 30 pages. The submissions should
follow J.UCS formatting guidelines. For more details see "JUCS Style
Guide for Authors" at

The Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) is a high-quality
electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer
J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the
oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since its
foundation. A more detailed description of J.UCS can be found at

Paper submissions will be made electronically via the portal:

Any questions about this special issue should be sent to the guest editors.


Submission deadline: 25 January 2010
Reviewers feedback: 30 March 2010
Camera ready version: 10 May 2010
Special issue: Summer 2010

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