Information Access for Personal Media Archives Workshop

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

Information Access for Personal Media Archives Workshop
held in conjunction with ECIR 2010, March 28-31, 2010, Milton Keynes, U.K.

*** Apologies for any cross-postings ***

Important Dates
*** Submission of papers: Friday 15th January, 2010 ***
Notification of acceptance: Monday 15th February, 2010
Camera ready papers: Friday 26th February, 2010
Workshop at ECIR : Sunday 28th March, 2010

Workshop Description
There has been a relative explosion of personal multimedia data in recent times e.g. work documents, e-mail, personal images/videos, sensing devices to record biometric data when we go running, cell phone text messages, sensed data from the environment around us (air quality, our home energy usage), etc. Some of these technologies already potentially offer great assistance to those with memory impairments, with emerging results from the cognitive psychology field being very encouraging. The most significant missing element is the technologies to give end users reliable, efficient and high-quality information retrieval over these personal media archives.

These archives pose new and unique challenges in that: data is likely to be multi-modal in nature (text, audio, photo, video, biometric, location, etc.); there may be a vast number of data items (a lifetime of data); items will often not be joined by inter-document links; the archive will contain much non-useful data that users will never want to see again; the archive will contain data about the user’s environment that they may not understand; the user may be unable to describe clearly what they are looking for; they may not even be aware that the data was captured and is available; and it may often be helpful to recommend content related to the user’s current context.

This workshop will provide a forum for researchers from different backgrounds to present and discuss their ideas relating to the IR challenges of effectively accessing personal media archives. We are interested in the report of current work including: development of new sensing devices and technologies to capture novel data of personal interest, algorithmic
research, user studies on the real-life benefits of efficiently accessing personal media archives, and also position papers on the place of personal media archive research within IR
or proposals for research strategies in this area. Submissions will be selected for presentation to reflect a spectrum of work and to encourage cross-disciplinary discussion in the workshop.

Aim & Topics
The aim of this one-day workshop is to foster discussion on issues related to personal media archives which capture access mechanisms to life’s experiences. We invite regular and position papers as well as demonstrations (accompanied by descriptive papers) on relevant topics, including, but not limited to:

- IR challenges in personal media archives (indexing and search)
- User studies on the human benefits of being able to efficiently access personal media data
- Scaling up to large archives (a lifetime of data)
- E-memories
- Sensors to record new pieces of information about our lives e.g. biometric, environmental, or reporting on those who are around us
- Accessing e-mails and personal desktop data
- Retrieval of personal feelings/annotations from blogs, twitter, and social networking websites
- Multi-modal and context sensitive retrieval
- Semantic concept detection within personal media archives
- Social network analysis for personal media archives
- Summarisation / re-telling of personal media data
- Structuring and organisation of personal media archives for browsing, search and retrieval
- Evaluation issues in accessing personal media data
- Challenges of retrieval in personal media archives from multiple devices (mobile devices, desktops, tabletops, display walls, etc.)
- Novel methods for interacting with personal media archives
- Usability and design of technology for personal digital memories

Author Information
Submissions for the workshop must follow the standard ACM double column style guidelines. They shall be submitted in PDF format and not be longer than 8 pages. Papers will be submitted using the EasyChair system, In submitting a manuscript to this workshop, the authors acknowledge that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted to another workshop, conference, or journal.

All submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process. At least three reviewers from the PC members and external reviewers will evaluate the originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance, and technical contents of the submitted manuscripts.

Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings together with the proceedings of the ECIR 2010 conference. Based on the quality of the manuscripts, selected papers may be invited to submit to a special journal issue.

Publicado por unimauro en 13:53  
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