ICSE 2010 Research Demonstrations Track

domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

ICSE 2010 Research Demonstrations Track
32nd International Conference on Software Engineering
Cape Town, South Africa, May 2-8, 2010



ICSE 2010 Research Demonstrations track will provide a forum for conference participants to use presentations, live demonstrations, and interactive poster presentations to learn about research tools from the
software engineering community. Research demonstrations are expected to present implementation of tools for novel and innovative software engineering techniques and processes. Any of the ICSE 2010 topics of interest
are appropriate areas for research demonstrations.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 7 January 2010
Notification of acceptance: 11 February 2010
Camera ready copy due: 3 March 2010


The program will include two categories of demonstrations: formal research demonstrations and informal research demonstrations:

* Formal research demonstrations are tool demos suitable for mature presentations. Each such demonstration will be presented during a formal presentation session. In addition, we expect presenters to be available for additional informal demonstrations to participants. Four-page papers
will be published in the ICSE proceedings.

* Informal research demonstrations will be demonstrated only informally, through one-on-one or small-group interactions, in a suitably allotted time slot. Two-page extended abstracts will be published in the ICSE proceedings.

Review and Evaluation Criteria

Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the research demonstrations committee. The committee will review each submission to assess the relevance and quality of the proposed demonstration in
terms of originality, soundness, and presentation quality. Submissions should describe their relevance to software engineering, discuss the level of maturity of the tool, and reference the technical foundations upon
which they are based (typically, through appropriate references to previously-published work). Based on reviewers' comments and recommendations, the committee will classify accepted demonstrations as either
formal or informal research demonstrations which will be published in the conference proceedings.


Research demonstration papers must be submitted electronically via Cyberchair and conform to the ICSE 2010 Format and Submission Guidelines. The deadline for research demonstration papers submission is 07
January 2010. Submissions should consist of a single document with two to three parts. The first part, at most four pages, should describe the tool presented. The second part, as an appendix of at most two pages, should
explain how the demonstration will be carried out and what it will show. Optionally, authors may attach up to four additional pages of screen dumps, well-captioned, to illustrate the planned demo.


Final camera ready papers will follow the ICSE 2010 Format and Submission Guidelines. The camera ready for formal demonstrations will be limited to four pages. The camera ready for informal demonstrations
will be limited to two pages that will summarize the original submission. All accepted formal and informal research demonstration papers will be published in the conference proceedings

Presentation and Demonstration

Besides the paper, the authors of accepted formal demonstrations will be expected to deliver both presentations and demonstrations. The authors of the accepted informal demonstrations will be expected to deliver demonstrations only.

* Presentations: presentations of the technical characteristics of the systems will be demonstrated during a session of the conference. Two data projectors will be available, so that both a live demonstration and the slides can be projected at the same time.

* Demonstrations: There will be a separate time slot for demonstration of about 3 hours in a venue equipped for small-group informal demonstrations. In this way, ICSE attendees and demonstrators
will have more opportunities for stimulating one-on-one interactions. Only desks will be provided during this time period.

* Posters: Authors should prepare posters to display during the demonstration slot; the posters will also be on display during breaks for ICSE participants to view.


We will not provide any computing equipment such as computers, disk drives, or monitors. We will, however, provide basic electronic projection capabilities during the formal demonstration and desks for the informal

Research Demonstrations Co-Chairs

Cornelius Ncube (Bournemouth University, cncube@bournemouth.ac.uk)
Andrea Zisman (City University London, UK, a.zisman@soi.city.ac.uk)

Research Demonstrations Committee Members

Luciano Baresi (Politecnico de Milano, Italy)
Jaelson B. Castro (Universidade Federal De Pernambuco, Brazil)
W.K. Chan (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Alex Egyed (Johannes Kepler University, Austria)
Xavier Franch (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Aurora Gerber (Meraka Institute, South Africa)
Dimitra Giannakopoulou (NASA Ames, USA)
Martin Glinz (University of Zurich, Zurich)
Olly Gotel (Pace University, USA)
Robert Hall (AT&T Research Labs, USA)
Peter Haumer (IBM Rational, USA)
John Hosking (University of Auckland, New Zeeland)
Jane Huang (DePaul University, USA)
John Penix (Google, USA)
Hridesh Rajan (IOWA State University, USA)
George Spanoudakis (City University London, UK)
Kurt Stirewalt (Michigam State University, USA)
Tetsuo Tamai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Willen Visser (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)
Albert Zuendorf (University of Kassel, Germany)

Publicado por unimauro en 19:39  
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