Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing

sábado, 2 de enero de 2010

**** 1st International Conference ****
**** on ****
**** Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing ****
**** (PDGC-2010) ****

October 28 to 30, 2010 * Jaypee University of Information Technology
Waknaghat, Solan (HP), India

The First International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid
Computing (PDGC-2010) will be organized at Jaypee University of
Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India.
PDGC-2010 will serve as an international forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in recent advances in the areas of parallel,
distributed and grid computing. It will provide an opportunity to
present and exchange advanced scientific and technological information
in hardware, software and theoretical foundation in these areas.


Jaypee University of Information Technology is located at Waknaghat,
Solan, Himachal Pradesh 173215, India. It is situated near Shimla (24
Km) just 3 Km off the NH22 (Delhi-Ambala-Kalka-Waknaghat-Shimla road).
Convenient airports are Shimla (30 Km), Chandigarh (100 Km), New Delhi
(350 Km) and Amritsar (350 Km).

The topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Distributed Systems: Distributed algorithms, distributed databases,
heterogeneous distributed systems, distributed shared memory systems,
distributed object-oriented systems, AI in distributed systems.

Parallel Computer Systems: Parallel algorithms, interconnection
networks, hybrid & embedded parallel systems, memory organization,
support for parallel I/O, multi/many core systems, GPU and FPGA based
parallel systems.

Network-based Computing: Web computing, cluster computing, cloud
computing, computational grids, data grids, semantic grid, mobile
agents, distributed web services, security in distributed systems.

Dependable Computing and Systems: Fault-tolerance, self-stabilization,
performance prediction and analysis, simulation, knowledge-based program

Cluster and Grid Computing: Collaboration technologies, Communication
and Networking Systems, Data analysis and management on grids, Data
grids, Grid computing infrastructures, middleware and tools, Grid
computing services, Grid infrastructures for data analysis, Grid
standards as related to applications.

Multimedia and Service Networking: Multimedia communications and
services; Real-time
networking; Quality-of-Service; Performance modeling; Networked
real-time embedded systems; Services on-demand, Network Management.

Peer-to-Peer Computing: Performance Modeling and Evaluation, Power-aware
Computing, Real-Time and Multimedia Systems, Resource Management and

Security and Privacy: Security in computational and data grids, Security
in distributed environments, configuration, policy, and management issues.

Related fields: Web-based Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture,
Wireless and Mobile Computing, Algorithms design and analysis,
artificial intelligence, Biologically Inspired Computing.

Publicado por unimauro en 13:57  
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