The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
I-SPAN'09 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December 14-16, 2009)
1. Keynote speakers
2. Special issues
3. Publication
4. Workshops
5. Important dates
Keynote Speakers:
H. J. Siegel, Fellow of IEEE and ACM, Colorado State University, USA
Sataj Sahni, Fellow of IEEE, ACM and AAAS, University of Florida, USA
Wen -Tsue Chen, Fellow of IEEE and CSMT, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
More information:
Special issues
Selected papers will be invited for publication in the special issues of some international journals.
The following Journals are confirmed:
-Journal of Information and Science Engineering (JISE) (SCI)
-International Journal of Ad-Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC) (SCI)
-Journal of Internet Technology (JIT) (SCI)
-Telecommunication Systems (TS) (SCI) CFP
-Journal of Interconnection Networks (JOIN) (EI)
ISPAN'09 Proceedings will be published by IEEE CPS.
CPS produced content will be submitted for indexing
through IET INSPEC, and EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI,
as well as other indexing services.
Five Workshops will be held in conjunction with ISPAN'09.
VCNA 2009 (Vehicular Communications, Networks and Applications)-
GridCAT 2009 (Grid Computing, Applications and Technologies)-
WISH 2009 (Intelligent systems and Smart Home)-
GPUTA 2009 (GPU Technologies and Applications)-
IASM 2009 (Information Assurance and Security Management)-
Important Dates
Main conference:
Manuscript Due: June 30, 2009
Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2009
Manuscript Due: July 15, 2009
Acceptance Notification: August 22, 2009
3rd Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization
Co-located with: 24th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems
and Applications (OOPSLA 2009)
Workshop Web-site:
Numerous modularization techniques have been developed to cope with complexity
and increasing scale of software systems, such as Aspect-Oriented Software
Development (AOSD) and Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP). Using these advanced
modularization techniques, designers intend to achieve better changeability and
adaptability through improved modularity. However, it remains unclear to what
extent these new techniques have improved software productivity and
maintainability in practice. It is even more challenging to determine their
impact on closely-related emerging domains such as collaborative software
engineering, ultra-large systems, cyber-physical systems and cloud computing.
This workshop emphasizes the need for improving and pushing the boundaries on
the assessment of modern modularization techniques, especially in the emerging
domains of software development.
The purpose of this workshop is to (i) stimulate innovative ideas of new and more
effective modularity assessment methods to better evaluate contemporary
modularization techniques; (ii) solicit experience reports from practitioners
that help to better understand the impact of modularity assessment; (iii) discuss
the potential impact of assessment techniques; (iv) improve our understanding on
issues such as how to effectively differentiate the applicability of assessment
techniques in different circumstances; and (v) foster a collaborative environment
for both practitioners and researchers interested in the effective modularity
assessment from different levels and in different domains.
The main goal of this workshop is to put together researchers and practitioners
with different backgrounds in order to discuss open issues on the assessment of
contemporary modularization techniques, such as:
1. Do contemporary modularization techniques have a role to play in emerging
system domains? Can their benefits be assessed? How does the application of
contemporary modularization techniques to these domains affect assessment
2. What attributes of these complex systems need to be measured and assessed?
3. Are current conventional metrics sufficient to assess software quality in
such domains? How can the validity of such metrics be measured?
4. What new assessment mechanisms are necessary to assess contemporary
heterogeneous modularization techniques in emerging system domains and to
accommodate the associated development practices?
5. What new modularization techniques or improvements to existing ones are
suggested by previous assessment results?
6. What resources and benchmarks are necessary to enable the effective and
efficient assessment of modularization techniques in emerging domains? How can
repeatability of studies be achieved over such complex domains?
The workshop also aims at: (i) bringing the attention of the software engineering
community the importance of rigorous evaluation of emerging modularization
techniques; (ii) motivating the expansion of research and practice associated with
assessment of emerging modularization technologies; and (iii) fostering a
collaborative environment for both practitioners and researchers interested in
effective assessment of new development techniques.
Topics of Interest
The workshop is intended to cover a wide range of topics, from theoretical
foundations to assessment frameworks and empirical studies involving contemporary
software modularity techniques. Topics of interest include the following
(but not limited to):
* Lessons learned from assessing new modularization techniques
* Assessment of emerging systems
* Empirical studies and industrial experiences
* Comparative studies between new modularization techniques and conventional ones
* Assessment frameworks
* Software metrics and estimation models
* Validation of assessment techniques and mechanisms
* Assessment techniques, methods and tools to different phases of the software lifecycle
* Development of predictive models of defect rates and reliability from real data
* Infrastructure issues, such as measurement theory, experimental design, and analysis approaches
* Improvement of modularization techniques based on assessment.
Workshop Format and Submissions
ACoM is a one-day long workshop and is strongly focused on discussion. Authors who
plan to contribute with a paper are requested to submit a position paper in PDF format.
The paper format must follow the ACM SIGPLAN (10pt) style guidelines. Papers must
be written in English and please see the workshop website
accepted papers will be published on the website
We are soliciting the submission of two categories of position papers:
1. Traditional position papers (up to 6 pages) related to workshop topics.
2. Very short position statement (1-2 pages), where the authors describe their
"innovative thoughts", lessons learned, or points of view with respect to one
or more workshop topics.
Papers in the category (1) will be refereed by at least three reviewers, and should
describe work that is not yet advanced enough for a full conference paper.
They are expected to have a more solid idea, even though it does not require strong
validation ingredients. Papers in the category (2) will be mainly reviewed for
topicality, i.e. checked if they fit into the workshop topics, including some
feedback from reviewers. Moreover we especially encourage authors to present their
experience and/or novel ideas on how to assess new modularization techniques
(shorter paper format).
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 21st August 2009
Paper Submission Deadline: 28th August 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 1 week before OOPSLA early-registration cut-off
Camera-ready: 2nd October 2009
Workshop: 26th October 2009
The 5th International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia
The 5th International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia
Networking and comPuting
held in conjunction with
The 12th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and
Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM'09)
26-30 October, 2009, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
|| Scope ||
The Fifth ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and comPuting (WMuNeP) will be a one-day workshop, held in conjunction with the 12th Annual ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM´09), in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
The demand for wireless multimedia communications thrives in today's consumer and corporate market. The need to evolve multimedia applications and services, and their associated protocols for emerging networks is at a critical point given the proliferation and integration of wireless systems to intelligent and broadband networks, mobility of people, data/voice convergence and the integration of computing and communication in mobile devices. This workshop is devoted to cover different aspects of wireless multimedia networking and performance modeling for WLANs, WPANs, WMANs, WWANs, MANETs, VANETs and sensor networks such as wireless video and wireless streaming, systematic design methodologies, algorithms, synchronization, analysis and performance modeling. The workshop will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their contributions related to the above high-level aspects.
|| Topics ||
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Wireless multimedia network management
* Wireless multimedia traffic modeling
* Middleware and reflective systems support for wireless multimedia
* Proxy-based systems for video transcoding and content distribution
* Performance modeling, monitoring and evaluation of wireless multimedia networks and systems
* Multipoint, multicast wireless multimedia services
* Deployment of wireless multimedia applications, services and networks
* Protocols for wireless multimedia networks
* QoS and Resource Allocation in wireless multimedia networks
* Integration of wireless multimedia networks to broadband networks
* End-to-end IP multimedia wireless communications
* Coding and transmission for wireless multimedia networks
* Distributed wireless multimedia services
* Content-based wireless multimedia information retrieval tools
* Video, streaming, real-time wireless multimedia communications and applications
* Security in wireless multimedia networks
* Wireless multimedia right protection and watermarking
* Pricing mechanisms for wireless multimedia networks
* E-Commerce and related applications for wireless multimedia networks
* Multimedia evaluation and processing for wireless networks
* Cross layer design for wireless multimedia networks
* Analytical modeling of wireless multimedia networks
* Software tools for system performance and evaluation of wireless multimedia networks
* Performance comparison of wireless multimedia networks
* Case studies showing the role of evaluation in the design of systems
* Wireless multimedia sensor networks
|| Important Dates ||
- Paper Submission
- Author Notification
- Camera-ready Paper August 1, 2009
|| Submission Guideliness ||
High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the conference.
Paper length should be no more than 10 pages, double column, ACM style including tables and figures. Note that the regular paper size will be 8 pages, with the possibility to obtain up to 2 additional pages (total 10 pages) by paying a fee.Short papers might be included in the technical program to complete it and foster discussion and idea exchange. For all, at least one author of accepted papers must attend the conference to present its contribution.
Papers must be submitted electronically through the EasyChair system. The complete list of authors' names must be inserted when registering the paper on the EasyChair system. In order to access the EasyChair system you need to register first. Authors should check if they already have an account on the EasyChair system; otherwise, they must create one before submitting the paper.
Detailed submission instructions can be found on the workshop's website,
Etiquetas: cfp, Mobile Media, October 2009, Spain, wireless
Simpósio de Computação Aplicada
I SCA - Simpósio de Computação Aplicada (SCA - 2009)
22 - 25 de Setembro 2009, Passo Fundo, Brasil
Web Site:
A 1a edição do Simpósio de Computação Aplicada (SCA'2009) -- antigo SIPM -- é um evento que marca os 25 anos do Curso de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de Passo Fundo e que conta com o apoio da SBC (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação). "Computação a serviço do desenvolvimento social e econômico" é o tema principal do SCA2009. O principal objetivo do SCA é divulgar a produção científica nacional nas áreas de computação aplicada, principalmente, à educação, ciências exatas, agricultura e saúde, por meio de um ambiente da troca de experiências e ideias entre profissionais, estudantes e pesquisadores nacionais e estrangeiros.
Os autores dos melhores artigos serão convidados a submeter versões estendidas e revisadas destes artigos para uma edição da RITA (Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada:
O SCA está organizado em dois principais grupos de interesse:
- Modelos e métodos computacionais aplicados
- Metodologias e tecnologias educacionais
O grupo de *Modelos e métodos computacionais aplicados* visa a divulgação de pesquisas, técnicas e metodologias computacionais fundamentado em estudos científicos, básicos e/ou aplicados, e em princípios matemáticos e computacionais, para a análise e resolução de problemas de *natureza multidisciplinar*, em especial nas áreas de ciências exatas, agrárias e da saúde.
Os tópicos do grupo incluem (não são limitados a):
- Computação Científica;
- Modelagem e Simulação;
- Modelos de Aprendizagem de Máquina;
- Gestão de Dados;
- Linguagens de programação.
O grupo de *Metodologias e tecnologias educacionais* visa a divulgação de pesquisas, técnicas e metodologias computacionais fundamentado em estudos científicos, básicos e/ou aplicados, de tecnologias computacionais com vistas à qualificação do processo de aprendizagem.
Os tópicos do grupo incluem (não são limitados a):
- Educação a distância;
- Inclusão digital e software livre na educação;
- Inteligência artificial aplicada à educação;
- Objetos educacionais digitais;
- Avaliação de sistemas educacionais
O SCA aceitará duas categorias de submissão:
- Artigo completo: trabalhos com contribuição científica relevante. (15 páginas)
- Pôster de IC: trabalhos desenvolvidos por alunos de iniciação científica (IC) ou graduação (TC) com mérito técnico-científico. (2 páginas)
Os artigos submetidos ao SCA devem ser originais, não podendo ter sido submetidos simultaneamente a outras conferências ou periódicos, nem ter sido publicados. A aceitação de um artigo implica que ao menos um dos autores se inscreva no simpósio e o apresente durante a programação organizada. Os artigos serão avaliados segundo critérios específicos de cada grupo entre os quais se incluem originalidade, relevância, correção e clareza da apresentação. Os artigos submetidos deverão observar o limite máximo de 15 páginas (artigo completo) e 2 páginas (pôster), com fonte tamanho 12 pt, espaçamento de linha 1,5 e coluna simples, seguindo o formato padrão disponibilizado pela SBC para artigos dos seus eventos em
Submissão de artigos (completo): 30 de junho
Submissão de pôsters: 30 de junho
Notificação de aceitação: 30 de julho
Envio da versão final: 15 de agosto
Dúvidas sobre submissão de artigos:
Carina F. Dorneles (
Coordenadora do CP
Adriano Teixeira - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Ana Bertoletti De Marchi - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Andre Zanki Cordenonsi - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Andrea Charao - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Benjamin Callejas Bedregal - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Carina F. Dorneles - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF) - Coordenadora do CP
Carlos Holbig - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Carlos Zeve - Universidade Luterana do Brasil (Ulbra)
Carolina Minte-Vera - Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
Clyde Fraisse - University of Florida (UFL)
Daniela Buske - Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL)
Deise Saccol - Universidade Federal dos Pampas (UNIPAMPA)
Graçaliz Dimuro - Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel)
Italo Dutra - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
José Maurício Fernandes - Embrapa Trigo
Juliano Tonezer da Silva - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Julio Bertolin - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Karin Becker - Quality Knowledge
Lea Fagundes - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Lucimar de Carvalho - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Marco Trentin - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Marcus Basso - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Maria Helena Bonilla - Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
Marlise Geller - Universidade Luterana do Brasil (Ulbra)
Márcia Cristina Moraes - Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUCRS)
Mirella Moro - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Patricia Alejandra Behar - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Paulo Sérgio Sausen - Universidade de Ijuí (UNIJUI)
Raquel Stasiu - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Parana (PUCP/RR)
Rejane Frozza - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)
Renata Galante - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Renata Hax Sander Reiser - Universidade Católica de Pelotas (UCPel)
Renato Fileto - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarian (UFSC)
Ronaldo Mello - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Roseclea Duarte Medina - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)
Sílvio Cazella - Universidade do Vale dos Sino (Unisinos)
Silvia Modesto Nassar - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Vanessa Braganholo - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Willingthon Pavan - Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF)
Etiquetas: Applied Computing, Brazil, cfp, September 2009
XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação
XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação
17 a 20 de novembro de 2009
Florianópolis, SC
SBIE 20 Anos - Repensar, Reciclar, Reutilizar e Revitalizar
Do Logo a WEB 2.0. A 20 anos discutia-se o uso da informática nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Convivia-se com o mito da substituição do professor pela máquina e com a dificuldade de acesso aos computadores.
Hoje, vivemos na era da computação ubíqua. Vive-se uma realidade onde o domínio da tecnologia, já não é visto como um diferencial na sociedade, mas uma competência necessária. Os alunos estão, cada vez mais, imersos em um mundo que mistura o real e o virtual e que a informação se dispõe como o ar na atmosfera.
Desde o princípio tornou-se necessário repensar o papel da escola dos professores e dos processos educativos mediados por tecnologia, mas o quanto já se avançou realmente nesta direção?
Repensar, Reciclar, Reutilizar e Revitalizar as práticas educacionais a luz das novas tendências. Eis o desafio que se antepõe a comunidade de Informática na Educação.
Os principais objetivos do SBIE são:
* Integrar profissionais envolvidos com Informática na Educação (IE) através de mini-cursos, workshop, palestras e mesas-redondas, ministradas por palestrantes convidados de destaque nacional e internacional;
* Realizar reflexões e discutir experiências desenvolvidas na área, particularmente em torno do tema 20 anos do SBIE e seu papel na Informática na Educação no Brasil;
* Divulgação e debate de resultados de pesquisa e relatos de experiências na área através de ses-sões técnicas com a apresentação de artigos;
* Discussão dos principais temas relacionados aos tópicos de pesquisa atuais na área de interesse através de painéis e reuniões técnicas.
Tópicos de Interesse
Os tópicos de interesse do SBIE incluem, mas não estão restritos a:
* Ambientes Interativos de Aprendizagem
* Aprendizagem Colaborativa Apoiada por Computadores
* Arquiteturas para Software Educativo
* Avaliação de Software Educativo
* Comunidades Virtuais de Aprendizagem
* Formação de Recursos Humanos para Informática na Educação
* Fundamentos Pedagógicos e psicológicos de Informática na Educação
* Informática na Educação Especial
* Inteligência Artificial Aplicada à Educação
* Métodos e Padrões para Artefatos Educacionais
* Engenharia de Software Educacional
* Políticas para Informática na Educação
* Ambientes e Metodologias de Autoria de Atividades de Aprendizagem
* Usabilidade e Acessibilidade de Software Educativo
* Informática na Sala de Aula
* Informática no Currículo Escolar
* Aspectos Sociais da Informática na Educação
* Escolas e Laboratórios Virtuais
* Experiências de Uso da Internet em Escolas
* IHC em Software Educativo
* Hipermídias Adaptativas Aplicadas à Educação
* Suporte Computacional à Aprendizagem Organizacional
* Realidade Virtual na Educação
* Simuladores e Jogos Educativos
As propostas de trabalho a serem submetidas para o SBIE 2009 deverão enquadrar-se em uma das três categorias definidas abaixo:
* Artigo completo: Descreve um trabalho original e ainda não publicado. Os artigos podem ser do tipo descritivo ou relato, interpretativo, experimental ou de desenvolvimento de sistemas pedagógicos informatizados, mas todos devem enquadrar se - pois assim serão avaliados - nos rigores de um trabalho científico.
* Artigo resumido: Breve relato sobre pesquisas, cursos e atividades que estejam em andamento.
* Mini-curso: Serão no máximo seis, com duração de 4 horas. Os tópicos de interesse para os mini-cursos são os mesmos do SBIE 2009. As propostas devem conter as seguintes seções: Titulo; Tópicos de interesse relacionados; Coordenadores; Descrição; Objetivos e Infra-estrutura necessária.
Toda e qualquer proposta para o SBIE 2009 deverá ser submetida apenas em formato eletrônico, por meio do sistema JEMS, através do seguinte endereço eletrônico:
Formato das Submissões
Todas as submissões devem obrigatoriamente seguir o modelo para publicação de artigos da SBC, que poderá ser encontrado em
Alguns aspectos adicionais devem ser observados:
· Os artigos e oficinas devem ser submetidos no formato PDF;
· Deverão ser escritos em português ou Inglês;
· Os artigos completos não poderão ultrapassar 10 (dez) páginas, os artigos resumidos e propostas de mini-cursos 4 (quatro) páginas, incluindo tabelas, figuras e referências bibliográficas.
· Na página de rosto do artigo NÃO DEVERÁ CONSTAR nenhum tipo de identificação dos autores. Os artigos que possuirem identificação serão IMEDIATAMENTE REJEITADOS.
· Os autores também podem omitir, se desejarem, informações no texto que permitam inferir a autoria do artigo (As informações de autoria deverão ser fornecidas exclusivamente na submissão pelo sistema JEMS).
· Na versão final do artigo, caso aceito, os dados dos autores e filiações deverão ser incluídos.
· Recomenda-se evitar a menção direta a nomes pessoais (professores, alunos, escolas, municípios, etc.) trocando-os por identificadores genéricos (Escola A, Aluno 1, etc.)
Informações adicionais em:
Datas Importantes
* 17/08/2009 - Data limite para submissão de trabalhos
* 04/10/2009 - Notificação de aceitação de trabalhos
* 18/10/2009 - Data limite para envio das versões finais
Comssão Organizadora
Coordenador Geral:
Ricardo Azambuja Silveira (UFSC), Dr.
Coordenador do Comitê de Programa:
André Raabe (UNIVALI), Dr.
Comitê Gestor da Comissão Especial de Informática na Educação
André Luís Alice Raabe, UNIVALI (Coordenador)
Benedito de Jesus Pinheiro Ferreira, UFPA
Gilda Helena B. de Campos, PUC/Rio
José Aires de Castro Filho, UFC
Mauro Cavalcante Pequeno, UFC
Nizam Omar, Mackenzie
Patrícia Augustin Jaques, UNISINOS
Rosa Maria E. Moreira da Costa, UERJ
Roseli de Deus Lopes, POLI/USP
Comitê de Programa:
Em formação
Etiquetas: Brazil, cfp, informatica education, November 2009
11th International Conference on Software Reuse
Falls Church, VA, USA
Call for Tools Demos
We invite proposals for tool demonstrations on any topics related to
software reuse. All selected tools will be presented during the
conference in a specific session and there will be another session for
the demos themselves. The demo session will be in an open session to
allow individual interaction with the participants.
Submissions should not exceed four pages in proceedings format. The
submission deadline for demos is June 22, 2009. Proposals for tool
demonstrations should be sent to Claudia Werner (werner at
Demo papers will not appear in the ICSR Proceedings, but all papers
and presentations will be made available from the ICSR 11 web site at
Important Dates
* Tool Demo Submission Deadline: June 22, 2009 (NEW!!!)
* Notifications of Acceptance: July 15, 2009
* Conference begins on Sunday: September 27, 2009
SIMUTools 2010
SIMUTools 2010 !
Malaga, Spain, 15-19 March 2010
SIMUTools 2010 is the Third International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. This edition, which builds on the success of 2008 and 2009, will focus on all aspects of simulation modeling and analysis. High quality papers are sought on simulation tools, methodologies, applications, and practices.
The aim of the conference is to bring academic and industry researchers together with practitioners (from both the simulation community and from the numerous simulation user communities). The conference will address current and future trends in simulation techniques, models and practices, and foster interdisciplinary collaborative research in this area. While the main focus of the conference is on simulation tools, the conference also encourages the submission of broader theoretical and practical research contributions.
Important Dates
Main Conference
Abstract submission deadline | : October 12, 2009 |
Submission deadline | : October 19, 2009 |
Poster submission deadline | : December 10, 2009 |
Tentative rebuttal period | : December 11, 2009 - January 9, 2010 |
Notification of acceptance | : January 12, 2010 |
Camera-ready deadline | : February 1, 2010 |
Conference in Malaga | : March 15-19, 2010 |
Research Associate Positions in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Lisbon Faculty of Sciences
The Department of Informatics of Univ. Lisboa Faculty of Sciences (FCUL) welcomes applications from candidates of any nationality with a PhD, for several positions of Research Associate.
The selected candidates will partake the Department's teaching and research activities in Computer Science and Engineering, in the area of Organisation of Computational Systems (OSC,, including the programs of the international partnership with Carnegie Mellon University (
The Department of Informatics is very well ranked in the national evaluations (, and has a strong international standing in the research activities in the area (
Up to 5 years contract, salary according to category.
*DEADLINE*: The application process is open all year round; analysis of applications is made at periodic cut-off intervals, and selected candidates are advised about the next steps.
*NEXT CUT-OFF DATE*: 13th July 2009.
*How to apply*:
Check here for instructions:
Etiquetas: Computer Science, Portugal, Research Positions
Freedom & Open Source Day - 2009
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
Este año el FOSD 2009, tendrá como invitados internacionales a los siguientes colaboradores del mundo Free+OpenSouceSoftware, entre los cuales puedo mencionar a:
Walter Bender - USA, Director de, ex Director de Software y Contenido en OLPC, ex-Director del MediaLab en el MIT, entre otros José Carlos Gouveia - BRASIL : Director para América Latina de LPI inc. en los ultimos cinco años, Director General de SGI-Silicon Graphics para a América Latina. El tambien trabajó en la región como director general para Novell, Platinum Technologies, PeopleSoft y J.D.Edwards y como director de Anderson Consulting (Accenture) y de Dun & Bradstreet Software.
Tomeu Vizoso - ESPAÑA : Desarrollador en, ex-Desarrollador en
OLPC, entre otros El evento se llevará a cabo el sábado 24 de Octubre y quisiera pedirles por favor. puedan hacerme llegar sus Pappers para evaluar sus presentaciones en este evento.
Las inscripciones esperamos tenerlas lista pronto, para contar con la participación de cada uno de ustedes y vivir ese día : "LA FIESTA DEL FREE Y OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE".
Si existen empresas que quieran auspiciar el evento, pueden contactarse con Daniela Casaño Olcese (
Además de ello, durante la semana se realizará el OLPC JAM 2009!!!. donde TODOS quedan invitados para colaborar en sus especialidades (docentes, ingenieros, programadores, psicólogos, antropólogos, abogados, etc...etc) con el proyecto OLPC y Sugar
Etiquetas: cfp, Freedom, October 2009, Open Source, Sugar
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia
IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2009)
Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina
San Diego, California, USA
December 14-16, 2009
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
The IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2009) is an international forum for researchers to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and practice of multimedia computing, as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of multimedia computing.
The technical program of ISM2009 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions.
Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. Topics for submission include but are not limited to:
- Multimedia systems, architecture, and applications
- Multimedia networking and QoS
- Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
- Pervasive and interactive multimedia systems including mobile systems, pervasive gaming, and digital TV
- Multimedia meta-modeling techniques and operating systems
- Architecture specification languages
- Software development using multimedia techniques
- Multimedia signal processing including audio, video, image processing, and coding
- Visualization
- Virtual Reality
- Multimedia file systems, databases, and retrieval
- Multimedia collaboration
- Rich media enabled E-commerce
- Computational intelligence including neural networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms
- Intelligent agents for multimedia content creation, distribution, and analysis
- Internet telephony and hypermedia technologies and systems
- Multimedia security including digital watermark and encryption
- Mobile Multimedia Systems and Services
- Multimodal Interaction, including Human Factors
- Multimodal User Interfaces: Design, Engineering, Modality-Abstractions, etc.
- Multimedia tools including authoring, analyzing, editing, and browsing
There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award competition. The award winners will be announced at the conference banquet.
The written and spoken language of ISM2009 is English.
Authors should submit an 8-page technical paper manuscript in double-column IEEE format including authors' names and affiliations, and a short abstract electronically, following the submission guidelines available on the ISM2009 web page.
Only electronic submission will be accepted. All papers should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF). The Conference Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be available for online access via IEEEXplore.
A number of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for possible publications in journals.
ISM2009 will include a few workshops dedicated to focused interest areas. Submissions of proposals on workshops of emerging areas are invited. Papers from Workshops will be presented at ISM2009, and included in the Proceedings. Submissions of proposals on panels and demonstrations are also encouraged.
Panel summary articles may also be included in the conference proceedings.
Prospective authors are also invited to submit papers to the Industry Program, which will be included in the proceedings.
A main goal of this program is to present research work that exposes the academic and research communities to challenges and issues important for the industry. Please refer to the Industry Program link for submission details.
April 20, 2009 Submission of workshop proposals due
May 1, 2009 Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals
July 12, 2009 Submission of main conference papers due (extended)
July 12, 2009 Submission of proposals on panels due (extended)
July 12, 2009 Submission of industry program papers due (extended)
August 10, 2009 Submission of demonstration proposals due
August 20, 2009 Notification of acceptance of main conference papers
August 20, 2009 Notification of acceptance of demonstration proposals
August 20, 2009 Notification of acceptance of industry program papers
September 25, 2009 Camera-Ready copy of accepted papers due
Etiquetas: cfp, Computer Science, ieee, Multimedia, USA
http://decom. 09
La décimo-tercera edición del CISAISI2009 se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Arica-Chile, del 6 al 9 de octubre de 2009 y es organizado por el Área de Computación e Infomática (ACI) de la Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Informática y Sistemas (EUIIIS) de la Universidad de Tarapacá (UTA). El CISAISI2009 se constituye en una ocasión para intercambiar experiencias entre las comunidades nacional e internacional de los ámbitos científico, académico y profesional en las áreas de Sistemas, Computación e Informática. Una de las características del CISAISI es que la sede del evento rota anualmente para un país distinto, y este año le corresponde a Chile, siendo la UTA la nominada para la organización. Adicionalmente el CISAISI se destaca por contar con la participación masiva de profesionales y estudiantes de pre-grado y post-grado de los países Andinos del continente, lo cual se ha visto incrementado año tras año.
El CISAISI nació con la idea de integrar a las distintas facultades de Sistemas, Computación e Informática del continente. Por ello que se ha constituido como evento propicio para la presentación de trabajos científicos, conferencias, cursos y debates referidos a los distintos aspectos de desarrollo del área. Preocupación constante de los organizadores de las distintas ediciones fue el presentar los recientes avances en el área a través de charlas magistrales y artículos que corresponden a trabajos completos. En la presente edición CISAISI2009 se innova con el concurso de Posters, el mismo que está orientado a los jóvenes que se inician en el mundo de la ciencia y desean presentar avances de su investigación científica. Todos estos aspectos han contribuido para que este Congreso se constituya en el mayor evento de la región Andina que reúne a la comunidad científico-profesion al de Sistemas, Computación e Informática.
El Comité de Programa invita a la presentación de artículos que reporten resultados originales de investigación en todas las áreas referidas a Sistemas, Computación e Informática. Los artículos no deben haber sido publicados previamente ni estar actualmente propuestos para su publicación. Los tópicos de interés incluyen, pero no se limitan a los siguientes:
+ Supercomputación y alto desempeño
+ Modelamiento y Simulación
+ Bioinformática
+ Computación Gráfica
+ Procesamiento de Imágenes, de Señales Acústicas, Visuales y del Lenguaje
+ Visión por computador
+ Informática Educativa, e-learning
+ Tecnologías de la Información e-negocio, e-gobierno
+ Ingeniería de Software
+ Sistemas Colaborativos
+ Sistemas Distribuidos
+ Seguridad y criptografía
+ Base de Datos
+ Sistemas Inteligentes
+ Minería de Datos
Fechas importantes:
25 de Junio de 2009: Envío de artículos completos.
25 de Julio de 2009: Notificación de la aceptación del artículo
31 de Julio de 2009: Envío de la versión final del artículo.
Comité de Programa
Dr. Cesar Baluarte, (Perú)
Dr. Ricardo Valdivia Pinto, (Chile)
Dra. Angelica de Antonio (España)
Dr. Enrique Luna Ramírez (México)
Dr. Marco Villalobos Abarca, (Chile)
Dr. Héctor Valdés Gonzalez, (Chile)
Dr. Osvaldo Saavedra, (Brasil)
Dr. Benjamín Callejas (Brasil)
Dr. Luis Cáceres Alvarez, (Chile)
Dr. Eduardo Notte, (Chile)
MSc. Luis Lobos (Chile)
MSc. Diego Aracena, (Chile)
MSc. Wilson Castillo, (Chile)
MSc. Héctor Beck, (Chile)
MSc. Ceferino Castro. (Chile)
Comisión Organizadora
Diego Aracena Pizarro y Área de Ingeniería en Computación e Informática, EUIIIS
Mayor Informacion: http://decom. 09
Etiquetas: cfp, Chile, CISAISI, Computer Science, October 2009
Onward! 09 The conference for new ideas in Software
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN in cooperation with SIGSOFT
Co-located with OOPSLA 2009
Orlando, Florida October 25-29 2009
*** Deadline approaching ***
June 26, 2009 Submission of short research papers
July 2, 2009 Submission of films
Onward! is a place for highly original ideas about how technological advances and new applications are going to shape computational fabrics of the future. Onward! is more radical, more visionary, and more open than other conferences to not so well proven but well argued ideas. We welcome different ways of thinking about, approaching, and reporting on programming languages and software engineering research. Onward! takes a broad and inclusive view of computation and seeks contributions from all fields represented at OOPSLA and other software conferences. Onward! particularly encourages contributions influenced by other disciplines such as art, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology,
economics, communities, politics, ethics, or any other human endeavor.
Anything to do with programming and software can be submitted. Anything!
Onward! is innovative not only with regard to its topics and ideas but also to the contribution formats. This year, we seek high quality submissions in one of the following categories:
*** RESEARCH PAPERS (Due June 26, 2009) ***
While regular research papers tell what work has been done and validated in recent years, Onward! papers show what exciting work is being done right now. Onward! accepts papers that talk about innovative research work that is early in its life or is not in the mainstream. We request submissions of position papers that propose bold directions of research and advocate nontraditional methodologies. An Onward! paper does not need to contain a fully worked out theory or implemented system, but must be well-thought-out and compelling in its vision or uniqueness of thinking.
Papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the OOPSLA 2009 Proceedings, and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
*** FILMS ***
Years ago, sophisticated software systems had to be constructed by highly trained programmers who understood the ins and outs of software development. Today, with the advent of new mashup technologies and service architectures, these barriers have been lowered. The goal of this track is to explore new developments in how film and other narrative multimedia technologies can be used to enrich the software development process. Descriptions of accepted films will be published in the OOPSLA 2009 Companion, and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
*** ESSAYS (submission closed) ***
*** WORKSHOPS (submission closed) ***
Electronic submission is required through the Onward! homepage. Text submissions must follow the standard ACM SIGPLAN format. Research papers should not exceed 8 pages. Submissions must not have been previously published, and must not be concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere (including journals and formal proceedings of conferences and workshops). Violation of this policy will result in desk-rejection of the submission.
Bernd Bruegge, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria, Canada (chair)
Roger Dannenberg, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dilma Da Silva, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA
Maja Dhondt, IMEC, Belgium
Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Eclipse Foundation, USA
Harald Gall, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Bruce Horn, Powerset, USA
Gail Kaiser, Columbia University, USA
Caitlin Kelleher, Washington University St. Louis, USA
Michele Lanza, University of Lugano, Switzerland
Rick McGeer, HP Labs, USA
Linda Northrop, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Nuno Jardim Nunes, University of Madeira, Portugal
Dirk Riehle, SAP Research, Germany
Christa Schwanninger, Siemens, Germany
Martin Purvis, University of Otago, New Zealand (chair)
Roberto Bisiani, University of Milano - Bicocca, Italy
Oliver Creighton, Siemens, Germany
Ralph Guggenheim, Allegator Planet, USA
Andrew Long, University of Otago, New Zealand
WeeP 2009: 1st Workshop on Dependability and Security in P2P
martes, 9 de junio de 2009
Weep 2009 Call for Papers
We apologize if you received multiple copies of this CFP
Please feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested
WeeP 2009: 1st Workshop on Dependability and Security in P2P
In conjunction with LADC 2009 (Fourth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing)
ORGANIZED BY: Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG)
CO-SPONSORED BY: SBC - Brazilian Computing Society and IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
João Pessoa, Paraíba, BRAZIL
September 1 - 4, 2009
Peer to peer and self-organizing systems hold the promise of offering services and information anywhere and anytime, with better scalability, improved reliability and lower costs. This is done by eliminating the necessity of any statically designed infrastructure or any centralized administrative authority. It is in the nature of such networks to be self-organizing, since additionally, entities are allowed to join or leave the network in an arbitrary manner, making the whole system highly dynamic. Nonetheless, the issue of designing dependable and secure systems that can cope with the high dynamism and self-organization nature of overlay networks is a real challenge. Therefore, many problems should be addressed. What models are most appropriate for dynamic systems? What kind of consistency requirements can be ensured? How to deploy services and data in order to achieve high availability and better utilization of peer capacities? How to construct an overlay and routing infrastructure which is scalable and fault-tolerant? How to build efficient and secure search mechanisms? How can applications adapt themselves to the instability of the system and links, due to arbitrary leaves and joins, mobility, failures, congestion and collisions.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different domains to create a forum for investigating the many aspects of providing dependability and security in self-organizing, large-scale and dynamic systems. Contributions may span a broad range of topics, including:
- models for dynamic and self-organizing systems;
- scalability and reliability of dynamic systems;
- P2P storage and content distribution;
- P2P performance and robustness;
- security and trust management in dynamic systems;
- P2P Grids;
- P2P over Manets;
- applications and tests.
Only original papers (not published or under review elsewhere) should be submitted. All submissions must be made electronically through the conference web site.
Papers should be written in English and can be submitted in the following categories: Regular Papers describing original research, Practical Experience Reports describing an experience or a case study. Regular Papers and Practical Experience Reports should be no longer than 6 pages, IEEE style double-column format, respectively, including figures, tables, references, and appendices. The font size should be 10 points. The first page should include an abstract, authors' names, addresses and affiliations, and specify whether the submission is a Regular Paper or a Practical Experience Report. The full mailing address, telephone and FAX numbers, as well as e-mail address of the contact author should also be indicated.
Submission deadline: June 30th
Authors notification: July 20th
Camera ready: July 30th
Emmanuelle Anceaume (IRISA/CNRS, France)
Fabíola Greve (UFBA, Brazil)
Jussara Marques de Almeida (UFMG, Brazil)
Marinho Barcellos (UFRGS, Brazil)
Luís Carlos Erpen de Bona (UFPR, Brazil)
Pascal Felber (U. Neuchatel, Switzerland)
Mark Jelasity (U. Szeged, Hungary)
Elias Procópio Júnior (UFPR, Brazil)
Christian Scheideler (TU München, Germany)
Stefan Schmid (TU München, Germany)
Valérie Viet Triem Tong (SUPELEC, France)
More information about WeeP'2009 can be found in
International Workshop on Interactive Multimedia for Consumer Electronics
International Workshop on
Interactive Multimedia for Consumer Electronics (IMCE'09)
Beijing, China, October 23, 2009
In conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2009
With the development of silicon technologies, consumer electronics devices, such as personal computers, HDTV, mobile phones, digital cameras and game consoles, have become ubiquitous for people’s daily life. These devices can provide multimedia sources for entertainment, communication, and so on. To interact with these equipments, consumers currently rely on devices such as remote controls, keyboards or control panels, which are often inconvenient, ambiguous and non-interactive. How to design user interfaces of CE products that enable natural, intuitive and fun interaction is one of the main challenges the CE industry is facing. Many companies and institutes are working on the advanced user interfaces.
User interface technologies have been studied in various disciplines for decades. Considering that modern CE products are usually supplied with both microphones and cameras, how to employ both audio and visual information for interactive
multimedia has recently received much attention in both academia and industry. But interactive multimedia is still an under-explored field. Many challenges exist when moving to multimodal interaction: for example, how to annotate and search
huge data acquired by using multiple sensors, especially in the unconstrained end-user environments? how to effectively extract and select representative multimedia features for human behavior recognition? and how to select the fusion strategy of multimodal data for a given application? To address these challenges, we must adapt the existing approaches or find new solutions suitable for multimedia interaction.
This workshop will bring together researchers from both academia and industry in domains including computer vision, machine learning, audio and speech processing, communications, artificial intelligence and media technology to share and discuss recent advances in interactive user interfaces and multimedia applications.
Topics related to interactive multimedia for consumer electronics include, but are not limited to:
-- Multimedia description and markup
-- Multimedia representation and annotation
-- Multimedia search and retrieval
-- Presence and environment sensing
-- Face detection, recognition, and tracking
-- Hand detection, tracking, and recognition
-- Facial expression recognition
-- Emotion/mood recognition
-- Gesture/action/activity recognition
-- Audio-visual recognition and interaction
-- Novel interaction (accelerometer, touch screen, haptics, voice)
-- Multimodal data modeling and fusion
Workshop Chairs
Ling Shao, Philips Research Laboratories
Caifeng Shan, Philips Research Laboratories
Jiebo Luo, Kodak Research Laboratories
Minoru Etoh, NTT DoCoMo Research Laboratories
PC Members
Alberto Del Bimbo,University of Firenze, Italy
Xavier Binefa, University of Barcelona, Spain
Andrea Cavallaro, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Wei-Chao Chen, Nokia Research Center, USA
Berna Erol, Ricoh Innovations, USA
Yun (Raymond) Fu, BBN Technologies, USA
Ling Guan, Ryerson University, Canada
Jungong Han, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands
Aki Harma, Philips Research, The Netherlands
Mark Huiskes, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Winston Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Alejandro Jaimes, Telefonica I+D, Spain
Tae-Kyun Kim, Cambridge University, UK
Rainer Lienhart, University of Augsberg, Germany
Xuelong Li, University of London, UK
Qian Lin, HP Labs, USA
Alexander C. Loui, Kodak Research Labs, USA
Xiaoming Liu, GE Global Research, USA
Tao Mei, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Paul Miller, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Jean-Marc Odobez, IDIAP Research Institute, Switzerland
Ryuzo Okada, Toshiba Corporate R&D Center, Japan
Yoichi Sato, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dacheng Tao, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Qi Tian, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Ning Xu, Samsung, USA
Important dates
Submission deadline: **June 15**, 2009
Notification of acceptance: July 14, 2009
Camera-ready papers: July 24, 2009
Workshop: October 23, 2009
Paper Submission
Full papers may be up to 8 pages in length. All papers must follow the standard ACM style guidelines and must be submitted in PDF format using the EDAS system ( Accepted papers will be published by ACM in the workshop proceedings together with the ACM Multimedia 2009 proceedings. Extended versions of accepted papers will be invited to submit to an edited book or a
special issue of a top journal.
Etiquetas: ACM, cfp, China, Interactive Multimedia, October 2009
16th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
16th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
Co-sponsored by ACM and VRSJ
Kyoto, Japan
November 18-20, 2009
We invite you to participate in the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) 2009 in Kyoto, Japan.
The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an
international forum for the exchange of experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with virtual reality software and technology. This year, VRST 2009 is co-sponsored by ACM and the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ). VRST 2009 will provide an opportunity for VR researchers to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions for the field.
== Important Dates (Extended) ==
Abstracts due (*): June 17, 2009 (Papers & Short Papers)
Submission due: June 24, 2009 (Papers & Short Papers)
Notification of acceptance: July 29, 2009
Demos and posters due: July 29, 2009
Conference dates: November 18-20, 2009
(*) Abstracts (free format and length) need to be submitted through the
submission website, for reviewer assignment purposes only.
== Call for Papers ==
ACM VRST 2009 seeks original, unpublished papers documenting original research contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications, from all areas of virtual, mixed and augmented reality.
Authors are required to submit fully formatted papers, with graphs, images, and other special areas arranged as intended for final publication. The ACM SIGGRAPH paper preparation guidelines are described at The maximum length for a regular paper submission is 8 pages. The maximum length for a short paper submission is 4 pages. Reviewers will be
instructed to weigh the contribution of a paper relative to its length.
Submissions may be optionally accompanied by additional materials such as images, videos, or electronic documents. These materials do not form a part of the official submission and will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers.
For more information on the online submission process visit
== Keynote Address ==
Shigeo Morishima (Waseda University)
"Dive Into the Movie
-- An instant casting and immersive experience in the story --"
== Conference Location ==
VRST 2009 will be held in Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto is a world-renowned city for being the ancient capital of Japan with numerous cultural heritages. Located just two-minute walk distance from JR Kyoto station, the conference venue, Mielparque Kyoto, is convenient for business trips and tourism.
Third Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software
jueves, 4 de junio de 2009
Contract-Oriented Software (FLACOS'09)
24-25 September 2009, Toledo - Spain
The ability to negotiate contracts for a wide range of aspects and to provide services conforming to them is a most pressing need in service-oriented architectures. High-level models of contracts are making their way into service-oriented architectures, but application developers are still left to their own devices when it comes to writing code that will comply with a contract concluded just before service provisioning. At the programming language level, contracts appear as separate concerns that cut across application logic, while analysis requires that contracts are abstracted from applications to become amenable to formal reasoning using formal language techniques. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on language-based solutions to the above issues through formalization of contracts, design of appropriate abstraction mechanisms, and formal analysis of contract languages and software.
The workshop will consist mainly of a number of presentations by invited speakers. A small number of additional sessions will be reserved for other researchers in the field who are encouraged to submit a short abstract of their work as an expression of interest in participating in the workshop by 8 June 2009. The number of participants in the workshop is strictly limited.
The previous editions of the workshop were held in Oslo in 2007 (FLACOS'07) and Malta in 2008 (FLACOS'08). The FLACOS workshops are partially supported by Nordunet3, under the project COSoDIS.
Paper Submission Deadline: 8 June 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 15 June 2009
Registration Closes: 15 August 2009
WORKSHOP: 24-25 September 2009
Topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- Formal languages for contracts
- Contract-oriented software development
- Formal analysis of contracts, including static analysis, run-time verification, and model checking techniques
- Contract synthesis
- Contract transformation and contract refinement
- Contract negotiation, discovery and monitoring
- Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain
- Antonio Maña, University of Málaga, Spain
- Ugo Montanari, Universita' di Pisa, Italy
- Wolfgang Reisig, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlina, Germany
- Alfonso Ríos, Maat G Knowledge, Spain
- Kaisa Sere, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
- More to be announced...
Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are invited to submit an extended abstract of their work (3-8 pages, in PDF format, one column, without page numbers, and printable on A4 paper) to by 8 June 2009. Submission of work submitted for formal publication elsewhere and work in progress is permitted.
The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available at the workshop. After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming (Elsevier), following the standard reviewing process of the journal.
- More information to follow.
Etiquetas: analysis, FLACOS, formal languages, oriented software, September 2009, Spain, Workshop
A mais nova publicação eletrônica sobre
carreira em Computação da SBC
Prazo para contribuir com a *terceira* edição da SBC Horizontes: 20 de julho de 2009.
Submeta artigos, entrevistas e sugestões
Divulgue eventos
Submeta artigos e sugestões.
Submeta suas dúvidas sobre carreira em Computação.
Envie suas críticas aos artigos publicados nas edições anteriores.
Compartilhe suas idéias com os demais estudantes.
Trabalhando ou estudando fora do Brasil? Compartilhe sua experiência.
Participou ou ganhou algum prêmio em evento da SBC? Nos conte como foi.
Possui dicas de ferramentas e afins? Compartilhe conosco.
Interessado em divulgar a sua empresa através do website da Revista SBC Horizontes? Entre em contato e pergunte sobre as possibilidades de patrocínio.
- Público-alvo: estudantes (graduação e pós) e recém-graduados em Computação e áreas afins
- Periodicidade: 3 vezes/ano
- Conteúdo: dividido em colunas (veja item 3)
- Acesso ao conteúdo: aberto (sócios e não sócios)
- Quem pode submeter conteúdo: qualquer pessoa (sócio ou não)
- Editoras-chefe: Mirella M. Moro (UFMG), Marta Mattoso (COPPE/UFRJ)
- Corpo editorial: formado por conjunto diversificado de profissionais em Computação (veja a lista no site)
- Website:
- Email:
- O tom da revista é informativo e descontraído (*não* é uma publicação técnico-científica).
- Formato dos artigos: 2 a 5 páginas, linguagem não-científica, instruções e modelo respectivamente:
- Instruções para submissão: submeter o pdf pelo JEMS:
- Prazo de matéria para 3a edição: 20 de julho de 2009
- O2 – Opções e Objetivos. Definindo o profissional em Computação.
- E Agora José? O que fazer após receber o diploma.
- Em Sociedade. Ética e participação social.
- Indústria. Dicas de carreira na indústria.
- How To. Como realizar tarefas comuns aos estudantes e recém graduados em Computação.
- Bits, Bytes e Batom. A perspectiva feminina na carreira em Computação.
- Lá de fora. Experiências de estudar e trabalhar fora do Brasil.
- Between. Entre alunos, aluno escrevendo para aluno.
- Em Destaque. Destaques para a participação de alunos e recém-graduados nos eventos promovidos pela SBC.
- Em Debate. Duas pessoas dão suas opiniões sobre o mesmo assunto.
- Perfil. Entrevista.
- Etc e tal. Demais assuntos que não se encaixam nas colunas anteriores.
International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing
International Workshop on Middleware for Pervasive Mobile and Embedded Computing
A Workshop of Middleware 2009
Urbana Champaign, Illinois, USA
November 30 - December 4, 2009
Problem Space
Building on the success of the previous editions of MPAC and MobMid, this event combines the thematic areas of the two workshops and aims to develop a research roadmap on essential middleware abstractions and platforms for pervasive mobile and embedded systems.
In recent years, the rise of relatively powerful mobile communication devices like mobile phones, mobile Internet devices, and netbooks, as well as several types of embedded devices, like TV set-top boxes, iPods, Kidle, etc, has enabled a wide spectrum of novel pervasive applications, such as healthcare monitoring, sport tracking, context-aware collaborative computing, etc. Moreover, with the rise of cloud computing infrastructures developers have also started exploring the possibility of empowering resource-constrained mobile devices with such infrastructures offering unlimited storage and computing resources.
Developing practical applications for this kind of devices is still in most cases a complex and time-consuming process. Many of the existing applications have been built in an ad-hoc manner and without any possibility for code reuse. As the number and type of mobile and embedded devices, and pervasive applications increases, so does the need to enable interoperability among them. Identifying appropriate middleware abstractions and organizing successfully used protocols, algorithms, and software modules into generic middleware platforms can facilitate application development, foster software reuse, and enable rapid prototyping of pervasive applications.
It is unclear and in many respects still an unexplored research area to what extent traditional middleware services can be provided on these devices. Porting existing middleware architectures to these new computing platforms turns out to be often infeasible. Instead, a thorough reconsideration of middleware abstractions and their supporting infrastructure is needed to allow applications to make effective use of the available computational power, memory, communication technologies, integrated sensors, etc. An ideal middleware platform should be capable of handling the resource constraints of these devices but at the same time exploit their unique features such as availability of location information, embedded sensors, mobility, spontaneous interaction, context-awareness, etc.
The main topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
* Device platforms
Virtualization technologies and applications
Distributed ensembles
Interaction paradigms and protocols
Emerging mobile platforms (e.g., Android) Virtual machines (J2ME, .NET, etc.)
* Networking
Emerging wireless technologies and platforms
Experiences or case studies with new technologies (WiMax, WiBree, LTE, etc) and devices (MIP, UMPC, wearables, etc)
Multi-link scenarios: WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular network
Quality of service and network selection
* Data issues
Data formats and encoding
Availability and durability of data in personal networks
Synchronization of personal devices with other consumer electronics such as cameras, iPods, etc.
Data portability
* Adaptability
Context-awareness, location monitoring
Resource management, cyber foraging, and energy-awareness
Using cloud infrastructures for computing-intensive tasks and data storage
Autonomics and self-* properties
* Security and Privacy
Privacy preservation and identity management for device-to-device interactions
Security architectures balancing risk and utility
Trust management in device ensembles
Mobile device data security
* Mobile Web
Web architectures (REST, Ajax) in pervasive computing
Context adaptation and management in pervasive computing
Mobile web scalability and reliability in access
Content adaptation on mobile devices
* Applications
Healthcare, entertainment, games, mobile TV, smart spaces, etc.
Mobile phones in sensor and ad hoc networks
Application development on mobile and embedded devices
Programming models
* Experiences and case studies
Lessons from deployments
User experiences Performance studies
Submissions should not exceed 6 pages and should be formatted using the ACM proceeding style (see
Papers should present a view of the state of the art in a particular sub-problem area, identify specific middleware challenges, and suggest potential avenues for exploration by proposing models, abstractions and infrastructure components addressing these challenges. Approximately two thirds of the workshop will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of these papers, while the remaining third of the time will be devoted to the development of the research roadmap.
Papers will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. The review process will be based upon identifying the relevance and potential of the position statement to contribute to the elaboration of the roadmap and to stimulate discussion.
All accepted papers will appear in a special workshop proceedings volume in the ACM Digital Library. The publication of the best workshop submissions and the research roadmap in the style of previous events is under investigation.
Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: August 1 2009
* Notification of acceptance: September 15 2009
* Final camera ready papers due: October 1 2009
* Workshop date: November 30 2009
Program Committee
Paolo Bellavista, Università di Bologna, Italy
Gordon Blair, Lancaster University, UK
Cristian Borcea, NJIT, US Renato Cerqueira, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Dan Chalmers, University of Sussex, UK
Domenico Cotroneo, University of Naples, Italy
Didier Donsez, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble I, France (Publicity Chair)
Markus Endler, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Roy Friedman, Technion, Israel
Nikolaos Georgantas, INRIA, France
Fabio Kon, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Rene Meier, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan
Nitya Narasimhan, Motorola Labs, US
Oriana Riva, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Workshop Co-Chair)
Luís Rodrigues, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Romain Rouvoy, Université Lille 1, Fance
Patrick Stuedi, Microsoft Research, US Sotirios Terzis, University of Strathclyde, UK (Workshop Co-Chair)
Venu Vasudevan, Motorola Labs, US
Luis Veiga, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (Proceedings Chair)
Lin Zhong, Rice University, US
Etiquetas: Embedded Systems, Mobile Media, November 2009, USA, Workshop
3rd Workshop on Assessment of Contemporary Modularization Techniques
26th October 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA
Co-located with: 24th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems and Applications (OOPSLA 2009)
Workshop Web-site:
Numerous modularization techniques have been developed to cope with complexity and increasing scale of software systems, such as Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD)
and Feature-Oriented Programming (FOP). Using these advanced modularization techniques, designers intend to achieve better changeability and adaptability through improved modularity.
However, it remains unclear to what extent these new techniques have improved software productivity and maintainability in practice. It is even more challenging to determine their impact on emerging application domains such as collaborative software engineering, ultra-large systems, cyber-physical systems and cloud computing. This workshop emphasizes the need for improving and pushing the boundaries on the assessment of modern modularization techniques, especially in the context of emerging software domains.
The purpose of this workshop is to (i) stimulate innovative ideas of new and more effective modularity assessment methods to better evaluate contemporary modularization techniques; (ii) solicit experience reports from practitioners that help to better understand the impact of modularity assessment; (iii) discuss the potential impact of assessment techniques; (iv) improve our understanding on issues
such as how to effectively differentiate the applicability of assessment techniques in different circumstances; and (v) foster a collaborative environment for both practitioners and researchers interested in the effective modularity assessment from different levels and in different domains.
The main goal of this workshop is to put together researchers and practitioners with different backgrounds in order to discuss open issues on the assessment of contemporary modularization techniques, such as:
1. Do contemporary modularization techniques have a role to play in emerging system domains? Can their benefits be assessed? How does the application of contemporary modularization techniques to these domains affect assessment strategies?
2. What attributes of these complex systems need to be measured and assessed?
3. Are current conventional metrics sufficient to assess software quality in such domains? How can the validity of such metrics be measured?
4. What new assessment mechanisms are necessary to assess contemporary heterogeneous modularization techniques in emerging system domains and to accommodate the associated development practices?
5. What new modularization techniques or improvements to existing ones are suggested by previous assessment results?
6. What resources and benchmarks are necessary to enable the effective and efficient assessment of modularization techniques in emerging domains? How can repeatability of studies be achieved over such complex domains?
Topics of Interest
The workshop is intended to cover a wide range of topics, from theoretical foundations to assessment frameworks and empirical studies involving contemporary software modularity techniques. Topics of interest include the following (but not limited to):
* Lessons learned from assessing new modularization techniques
* Assessment of emerging systems
* Empirical studies and industrial experiences
* Comparative studies between new modularization techniques and conventional ones
* Assessment frameworks
* Software metrics and estimation models
* Validation of assessment techniques and mechanisms
* Assessment techniques, methods and tools to different phases of the software lifecycle
* Development of predictive models of defect rates and reliability from real data
* Infrastructure issues, such as measurement theory, experimental design, and analysis approaches
* Improvement of modularization techniques based on assessment.
Workshop Format and Submissions
ACoM is a one-day long workshop and is strongly focused on discussion. Authors who plan to contribute with a paper are requested to submit a position paper in PDF format. The paper format must follow the ACM SIGPLAN (10pt) style guidelines. Papers must be written in English and please see the workshop website
We are soliciting the submission of two categories of position papers:
1. Traditional position papers (up to 6 pages) related to workshop topics.
2. Very short position statement (1-2 pages), where the authors describe their "innovative thoughts", lessons learned, or points of view with respect to one or more workshop topics.
Papers in the category (1) will be refereed by at least three reviewers, and should describe work that is not yet advanced enough for a full conference paper. They are expected to have a more solid idea, even though it does not require strong validation ingredients. Papers in the category (2) will be mainly reviewed for topicality,
i.e. checked if they fit into the workshop topics, including some feedback from reviewers. Moreover we especially encourage authors to present their experience and/or novel ideas on how to assess new modularization techniques (shorter paper format).
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 21st August 2009
- Paper Submission Deadline: 28th August 2009
- Notification of Acceptance: 1 week before OOPSLA early-registration cut-off
- Camera-ready: 2nd October 2009
- Workshop: 26th October 2009
a satellite event of the 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2009)
The ER2009 PhD Colloquium is intended to bring together PhD students working
on topics related to the ER conference series. The workshop will offer PhD students the
opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in a constructive
and collegial atmosphere. Prominent researchers in the field of conceptual modeling will
attend the workshop and mentor the participant students. The workshop is co-located
with the ER2009 conference and will take place on the first conference day (Monday,
November 9th, 2009). The Colloquium language is English.
The PhD Colloquium is intended for students who have already settled on a specific
research proposal and have some preliminary results, but still have enough time
remaining before submitting their dissertation so that they can benefit from workshop
feedback. The technical scope of the PhD Workshop is the same as that of the ER2009.
Students willing to participate in the PhD Workshop must submit an abstract describing
their doctoral work. The abstract should not exceed 5 pages in the LNCS conferenceproceedings
style and must cover the following aspects:
− a clear formulation of the research topic
− an outline of the significant problems in the field and their current solutions
− a description of the proposed approach and its expected contributions
− a summary of the (expected) results, including their (proposed) evaluation method
The abstract must be submitted electronically to both chairs of the colloquium in PDF
format. All submissions will be acknowledged.
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, technical merit, presentation
quality and relevance to the workshop topics. Each paper will be reviewed by at least
two members of the workshop program committee (PhD Chairs plus PhD mentors).
By submitting a contribution students accept that they have to register to the
conference and attend the workshop. Failure to register or to attend will entail removal
of their submission even if formally accepted.
Submission: June,29th 2009 (11:59pm EST)
Notification: August 10th, 2009
Camera ready: September 30th, 2009
Lois Delcambre, Portland State University, United States
Heinrich C. Mayr, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Oscar Pastor, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Etiquetas: Brazil, Colloquium, Conceptual Modeling, November 2009
E-Learn 2009
located in the heart of Vancouver shopping, dining, and attractions.
Special discount hotel have been obtained for E-Learn participants at $146 (single/double).
VANCOUVER, CANADA: Experience the Shows, Dining, Shopping, Attractions, & Tours!
Authors Notified: May 29, 2009
Proceedings File Due: Sept. 25, 2009
Early Registration: Sept. 25, 2009
Conference: Oct. 26-30, 2009
Etiquetas: Canada, CfParticipation 2009, E-Learn, October 2009