The 9th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA10)
viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009
International Federation for Information Processing
CONFENIS 2010 – Preliminary Call for Papers
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
Technical Committee on Information Systems (TC8)
Working Group on Enterprise Information Systems (WG8.9)
Secretary for Vocational and Technological Education, Ministry of Education, Brazil
Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute (IFRN)
Fluminense Federal Institute (IFF)
Fourth International Conference on Research and Practical Issues on Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2010), to be held in Natal, Brazil, 25-27 August 2010
Dear Colleague,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems (CONFENIS 2010) scheduled for 25-27 August, 2010. The event will be held at the northwest city of Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The conference is a joint effort between IFIP WG8.9 Working Group on Enterprise Information Systems, the Secretary for Vocational and Technological Education of the Ministry of Education (Setec/MEC), the Rio Grande do Norte Federal Institute (IFRN), and the Fluminense Federal Institute (IFF).
Confenis is a primary international event which provides an opportunity for Enterprise Information Systems academicians and practitioners in the world to gather, exchange ideas, and present original research and case studies in their fields. Scientists and practitioners are invited to address the current topics in the area or the research frontier at this unique international forum.
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Enterprise information systems
• Enterprise engineering
• Enterprise modeling and integration
• Enterprise computing concepts for specific domains such as finance, telecommunications, automotive, aerospace, command and control, and healthcare
• Enterprise architectures
• Design and modeling paradigms for enterprise computing
• IT aspects of inter-enterprise collaboration and virtual enterprises
• Enterprise Application Integration
• Trust, security, and privacy issues in enterprise computing
• Quality-assurance of enterprise computing systems
• Evolution and management of enterprise computing systems
• Realization technologies for enterprise computing, including ontologies and semantic web support, and middleware standards and systems
• Enterprise computing tools
• Business intelligence component of enterprise information systems
• Applications, case studies, and management issues
For detailed information please visit the CONFENIS 2010 Conference Website:
Important Dates:
Papers submission 05/01/2010
Notifications of acceptance 06/01/2010
Camera-ready papers submission 06/15/2010
Submission Guidelines
1. Two types of submissions will be accepted: research papers and case studies. Research papers should describe original research that has not been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Case studies should describe new insights gained from the application of enterprise information technology in practice. All papers must be in English and will be refereed.
2. Each submission must be accompanied by a cover page with every author’s name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail, full affiliation and the topic area (key words) to which it is submitted. All correspondence will be sent to the first author unless otherwise specified.
3. Submissions have to be sent electronically and the correspondence regarding receipt of submission will be made by email unless otherwise requested. Submissions imply that at least one author will register for the conference and present at the time designated in the program. All submissions must be in MS Word format.
4. Submissions must be received by 01st of May, 2010, through the email at the following address:
5. Submissions will only be published in the conference proceedings if at least one of the authors registers for the conference. CONFENIS 2010 proceedings will be published on CD by the Ministry of Education of Brazil, and will be available in the IFIP Digital Library. The template for camera-ready accepted papers can be found at
6. Furthermore, the selected best research papers will be considered for publishing in top-ranking information systems journals published by Taylor & Francis and IEEE.
2nd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing
As you may know, the 2nd European Workshop on Visual Information Processing, EUVIP 2010 will be organized on 5-6 July 2010 in Paris, France.
We kindly ask you to consider submitting a paper to the Workshop. A 4-page paper can be submitted by 15 February 2010 through
More details can be found in the attached CFP and the NEW conference website: Kindly forward this CFP to your colleagues and friends working in the field and encourage them to submit a paper.
This event is an IEEE and EURASIP event and the papers will be indexed by IEEEXPLORE.
We look forward to seeing you all in Paris next July and thank you for your support.
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2010)
February 17-19, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal
Call for Posters and Demos
As the field of wireless sensor networks matures, new design concepts, experimental and theoretical findings, and applications have continued to emerge at a rapid pace. As one of the leading international conferences in this area, the European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) has played a substantial role in the dissemination of innovative research ideas from researchers all over the globe. For EWSN 2010, the seventh meeting in this series, we invite posters describing original, previously unpublished research results pertaining to wireless sensor networks, broadly conceived. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Hardware Design and Implementation
Operating Systems and Software
Middleware and Macroprogramming
Communication and Network Protocols
Information and Signal Processing
Fundamental Theroetical Limits and Algorithms
Prototypes, Field Experiments, Testbeds
Novel Applications, including Urban Sensing
Security and Fault-Tolerance
Posters and Demonstrations Submission Information:
Poster and demo proposals must be submitted as a PDF file with no more than 2 pages containing an abstract describing the research content presented in the poster or demonstration, along with title, authors, institutional affiliations, and contact information. The title of poster proposals should be prefixed by "Poster Abstract:", while the title of demonstration proposals should be prefixed by "Demo Abstract:". All submissions will be handled electronically via EDAS ( We require that submissions conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. We will adopt a simplified review process for poster and demo proposals. The abstracts of accepted proposals will be published in the EWSN 2010 adjunct proceedings.
Important Dates (subject to change, please check website for latest dates):
Posters and demos submission: Dec. 20, 2009
Poster and demos notification: Jan. 5, 2010
Posters and demos camera ready: Jan. 12, 2010
20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC), Istanbul, Turkey
23-26 Aug 2010
ICPR 2010 is the twentieth conference of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
ICPR 2010 will be an international forum for discussions on recent advances in the fields of Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning; Signal, Speech, Image and Video Processing; Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction; Multimedia and Document Analysis, Processing and Retrieval; Medical Imaging and Visualization.
Deadline for paper submission
Jan 15, 2010
Deadline for tutorial proposals
Feb 15, 2010
Notification of acceptance
Mar 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance of tutorials
Mar 30, 2010
Deadline for the overview paper of the contest
Apr 30, 2010
End of early bird registration period
May 14, 2010
Camera ready papers
May 15, 2010
Deadline for advance registration
Aug 16, 2010
Workshop on S+SSPR 2010
Aug 18, 2010
ICPR 2010 workshops – full day
Aug 22, 2010
ICPR 2010
Aug 23, 2010
Track I: Computer Vision
Track II: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Track III: Signal, Speech, Image and Video Processing
Track IV: Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction
Track V: Multimedia Analysis, Processing and Retrieval
Track VI: Medical Imaging and Visualization
IV Workshop de Gestão de Processos de Negócio
juntamente com VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação
16 a 18 de JUNHO de 2010, Marabá, PA
Datas importantes
Submissão de artigos: 01/02/2010
Divulgação dos resultados: 15/03/2010
Versão final: 29/03/2010
Formato dos Artigos
Os artigos deverão ser submetidos em português ou inglês, seguindo as
normas de formatação da SBC e não excedendo 8 páginas.
Todos os artigos deverão ser submetidos eletronicamente em formato PDF
pelo JEMS (sistema de submissões da SBC
Tópicos de Interesse
Gestão de processos inter-organizacionais;
Processos de negócio distribuídos e móveis;
Contratos eletrônicos;
Composição de serviços e processos de negócio;
Metodologias de gestão de processos de negócio;
Repositórios de processos de negócio e serviços;
Sistemas de informação e processos de negócio;
Arquiteturas orientadas a serviço e gestão de processos de negócio;
Serviços web para gestão de processos de negócio;
Ontologias para processos de negócio;
Modelagem e semântica de processos de negócio;
Execução de processos de negócio;
Monitoramento de processos de negócio;
Transações em processos de negócio;
Aspectos de segurança em processos de negócio;
Gestão de processos em grades computacionais;
Computação em nuvem no apoio à gestão de processos;
Descoberta de conhecimento em processos de negócio;
Engenharia de requisitos e processos de negócio;
Qualidade de serviço e processos de negócio;
Relatos de projetos/experiências na indústria;
Reuso em gestão de processos;
Gestão de Processos voltados para sustentabilidade;
Gestão de processos na área de saúde;
Gestão de processos para governo eletrônico;
Gestão de processos para aplicações científicas.
1st Workshop on Quality of Model-Based Testing
1st Workshop on Quality of Model-Based Testing
Paris, France
April 10, 2010
Co-located with ICST 2010
** Call for papers **
Model-based testing (MBT) encompasses all testing techniques where a system under test (SUT) is compared to a reference specification in form of a model. This includes methods for the generation of test cases from the model, for making a test verdict from a test execution, and for the execution of a system with respect to some given test model or test suite.
The workshop on Quality of Model-Based Testing (QuoMBaT) addresses a crucial need for discussing MBT: How can or should the quality of a newly proposed approach be measured? How can existing approaches be compared? What is the fault-detection capability of an automatically generated test suite compared to that of a manually produced one? Which coverage criteria are adequate? At which level should coverage be measured? Which mutation operators should be used in mutation analysis? Subsumption is used to compare coverage criteria and weak mutation - are there similar approaches for strong mutation? How can model-based testing be evaluated in comparison to other testing approaches? What statements about SUT quality can be derived from test quality?
The objective of this first QuoMBaT workshop is to offer a forum for researchers and practitioners who are working in the area of quality assurance (QA) in MBT:
- Quality measurement for model-based test generation: How should test cases be generated in order to ensure high quality?
- Quality measurement for models and meta models: What makes a good test model?
- Comparisons of approaches to quality measurement: What kind of measurement is most promising?
We emphasize that QuoMBaT is focussed on QA of MBT. So, we are interested in submissions and discussions about the evaluation and
comparison of existing techniques or measureable improvements. Correspondingly, we are not interested in new modeling techniques, but
in how to measure the quality of modeling techniques. The same holds for test generation, test execution, test oracles, test evaluation, and MBT itself.
** Submissions and Publication **
Submitted papers must not exceed 10 pages in the two-column IEEE format ( ). There will be an award for the best paper. The corresponding authors will receive it at the workshop. Furthermore, all accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library.
** Workshop Format **
Beside the traditional presentation sessions, QuoMBaT will include a workshop where the members of the audience will be able to bring their opinions on the topics presented in the papers and on further discussion topics. We anticipate an enjoyable and exciting event where many important thoughts (or doubts) about the required/anticipated/demanded quality of MBT can be exchanged.
** Important Dates **
Submission : January 22nd, 2010
Notification to authors: March 1, 2010
Final version: March 15, 2010
The 25th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2010)
The 25th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2010) will be held in London at the Royal Society, on September 22-24, 2010 and is organised by Imperial College. ISCIS 2010 will include invited keynote presentations by world leading contributors to the field of Computer Science and Engineering, as well as peer-reviewed contributed research papers.