Workshop on the Grand Challenge in Verified Software

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

Call for Papers - GCVS 2010
Workshop on the Grand Challenge in Verified Software

Edinburgh, Scotland
14th July, 2010

Affiliated with the
International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
CAV 2010


The workshop on the Grand Challenge in Verified Software (GCVS
2010) will take place on July the 14th. The focus of this
workshop will be on tools, theories and experiments. Consisting
of contributed papers and invited talks, the workshop will
focus on the tools behind the development of systematic methods
for specifying, building, and verifying high-quality software.
This includes topics like: program logic; specification and
verification techniques; tool support for specification
languages; tool for various design methodologies; tool
integration and plug-ins; automation in formal verification;
tool comparisons and benchmark repositories; combination of
tools and techniques (e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software
specification vs. engineering techniques); and customising
tools for particular applications.

Papers about tool architectures and their achievements are most
welcome. The contributed papers, which should report on
previously unpublished work, can reflect current and
preliminary work in areas of software verification. New
technical results, overviews of new developments in software
verification projects, short papers accompanying tool
demonstrations, as well as position papers on how to further
advance the goal of verified software are all welcome.

Papers will be judged on the basis of originality, relevance,
technical soundness and presentation quality. Papers must be
written in English and not exceed 20 pages in the Formal
Aspects of Computing format. Papers can be submitted via the
following link: A special
issue of Formal Aspects of Computing is under negotiation.
These would be refereed in the usual fashion prior to
acceptance by the journal.


Important Dates

Abstract submission: April 11, 2010

Paper submission: April 18, 2010

Notification of acceptance: May 23, 2010

Final version due: June 6, 2010

Publicado por unimauro en 10:58  
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